i am facing same prblm after this screen at first reboot black screen apears m using vmware 10.0,3
zesh_ii wrote:hi whats wrong with my iso ? i m vry sad
zesh_ii wrote:Lolka может у меня ур WCCF
zesh_ii wrote:lolka can u give me ur wccf
lolkaa wrote:Error, no snmpapi.dll - what is this error?
lolkaa wrote:Does not work wi-fi (Wlan) what to do - and what services it is hampered?
zesh_ii wrote:hi if i use highest speed at removing components then iwill face any issue or error this is just informative question if there is no issue to use highest speed then y u could not make highest speed as default?
lolkaa wrote:What changes? Does Cost - I have just started with winreducer wccf v1
lolkaa wrote:High removal rate affects the amount install.wim?
zesh_ii wrote:Hi is there have any difference between winsxs folder option in remover/optimization tab and in unattend tab win sxs folder clean up
lolkaa wrote:Where icons networks?]