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WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

42 posters

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

@KrX : I'm working on the "Keep Files List", and on the "WinReducer Components Size Information" !  Wink

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

winterstorm2050 wrote:
@KrX : I'm working on the "Keep Files List", and on the "WinReducer Components Size Information" !  Wink

that are some good news Wink

im at the moment trying to install "samsung kies" + drivers for my samsung galaxy tab.

but im getting problems with "MTP" drivers.. and kies software

after removing everything kies wount start.

and also when i remove the Expert winsxs it wount install the MTP driver (because i think kies installs some windows update or so. after installing and restarting it configs some windows updates...)

i hope i can fix it soon....

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyBug in Winreducer 7.0 RC3


It seems there is a bug in Winreducer 7.0 RC3 pertaining to the change in "Removing speed". It manifests when I try to change the removing speed during the removal process - the removal process just hangs at the current component and goes nowhere for hours. Also Winreducer seems rather slow in its process - integrating updates, removing components - all together almost 3 hours on a Core i3 380M - 2.5 GhZ (2 core * 2 threads), 4 GB RAM, Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1 with power scheme set to not reduce component speeds.

Kind regards

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hello guys,

WinReducer 7.0 - v3.00 RC4 has been released !


Best Regards.


descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hi Winterstorm2050,

I moved the tweaks to requests.

Please, if you can and when you have time try to implement them.

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

ntuser1 wrote:
Hi Winterstorm2050,

Would it be possible to implement complete removal of Windows Defender, as well as *.pnf files from the C:\Windows\inf folder. Also can you implement the following registry tweaks:

Disable ASLR:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

Disable File System Tunneling:


Fault Tolerant Heap:


Command Prompt on Folders:

@="Command Prompt Here"
@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""

DLL and OCX File Registration and Deregistration:

"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"
@="Application Extension"
@="regsvr32.exe \"%1\""
@="regsvr32.exe /u \"%1\""

@="regsvr32.exe \"%1\""
@="regsvr32.exe /u \"%1\""

Copy / Move To on Folders:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To]

Disable No-Execute Prevention:

bcdedit /set nx alwaysoff

Disable Last Known Good configuration:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

Mozilla Firefox Tweak to Improve Flash Player Performance:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment]

as well as the following contents of mms.cfg in "C:\windows\system32\Macromed\Flash"


Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards

i think you should split those request and post each on the request forum

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

winterstorm2050 wrote:
@KrX : I'm working on the "Keep Files List", and on the "WinReducer Components Size Information" !  Wink

I just want to make sure that I'm not missing this "Keep Files List" if you are still working on it, I completely understand my brother. You've got alot going on.

I just wanted to make sure that I'm not waiting on it and it's already finished. Thanks let me know

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds


For the moment, I'm working on the "WinReducer Components Size Information", then I will start working on the keep list. So to answer you, it's not available yet, but it will be in the next builds, maybe RC6 or RC7 ! Wink

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

My man

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

KrX wrote:

i think you should split those request and post each on the request forum

Thanks for the suggestion. It's done Smile

Reason for editing : Improve readability of your post.

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds


Yes, as you follow the excellent advice of KrX, you've done a wonderful work which helps me easily add your requests.

Thank you very much guys !

Best Regards


descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hello guys,

WinReducer 7.0 - v3.00 (RC5) has been released !


descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hello guys,

Just to tell you, that I will update WinReducer 7.0 during next week. Thank you for your patience my friends !

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hello guys,

WinReducer 7.0 - v3.00 RC6 has been released !


Best Regards.


descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds


How much should I expect to reduce the ISO using the RC6 build?

I tried it out, using similar options to what I used to do for XP using nLite, and got a 2.55GB Iso. The second time I chose the same options and added the “Expert Only” winsxs reduction and compression options. This only reduced it to 2.52GB, hardly any smaller.

The third time I removed everything, protected nothing, and selected every removal option available. This ISO was 2.34 GB. Smaller, but not by much.

Is this typical with RC6?

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

not really. if i remove everything protecting nothing my iso gets gets below 800 mb

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

That's more what I was expecting. I'm going to try again from scratch and see what happens.

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Tried again, same result; 2.34GB.

I started with a fresh copy of RC6. The Iso is an untouched Win 7 Ultimate x64 with SP1 DVD, the hash matches the MSDN/Digital River Isos. I cleared all previous settings, and didn't change a thing on the Presets screen. Likewise Appearance, Services, System, Unattended screens were left untouched.

On the Features screen I used the Remove (All) dropdown.

On the Remove screen I selected everything, except for the Tweaks option. I made sure all the Optimizations options, including the Expert ones, were checked.

If it makes any difference, my system is Win 7 Ultimate x64, with an Intel Core i5 @ 3.2Ghz, 16GB RAM, and an SSD with 60GB free.

I'm probably missing something obvious here. . . .

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds


where do you store the Winreducer Folder? it would be best if you store it somewhere here:


maybe its a Problem with user rights

how Long does it take for you to remove all your components?

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hello guys,

@foobar : Few things to have a look :

1 - Try the KrX excellent advice

2 - Check your available space in your HDD (or SSD) in which you installed your WinReducer folder. You need at least a minimum of 15Gb free space !

2 - please compare the list of software (in your "HOME -> SOFTWARE" folder) from this picture : External Software

3 - Have you read this installation tutorial : LINK

Please let me know ! Very Happy

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Thank you for your suggestions gentlemen!

WinReducer runs fine. No errors. It goes through the whole process, and saves an ISO.


The “C” harddrive Windows is installed on is an SSD with 60GB free. The harddrive WinReducer is installed on is “F” which is a standard drive with about 200GB free. WinReducer is in “F:\WinRed”.

I didn't time it, but it seems like it takes about an hour with the full winsxs reduction.


Well, all the buttons on the Configuration screen are green, so I assumed everything was OK. I may be using software versions from an old WinReducer setup, so I'll download fresh copies and try that.

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

That must have been it, older versions of the software.

Now my ISO is 760MB!

Maybe think about putting in a check to see if the right versions of the software are present? Because, with my old (non-working) versions the Configuration screen said everything was OK. All the buttons showed green.

Anyway, thank you for creating WinReducer. I'll create a more useable ISO next and let you know how it goes. . . .

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds


That's excellent ! Thank you for your feedback.

Do not hesitate to share your experience ... Smile

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

hey, i dont really now where to put it so i ´will put it here:

i made a clean winreducer Folder and downloaded all Software winreducer Needs by clicking on the Name. winreducer was downloading them and installing.

i realized that imagex was downloaded from win8.1. or did i see it wrong?

if yes. plz look at this winter, i mentioned it already in january this year here:

i dont know if something changed since update 1, but imagex from win8.1 was a lot slower mounting and unmounting the Image.

so if nothing changed it would be best if imagex from Windows 7 was used by winreducer7

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Yes, it uses the latest imagex version from win8.1 ... I have to look at ... Wink

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hello guys,

This is a WinReducer 7.0 week, so you could hope a maintenance build for the end of the week = v3.00 RC7 ... Wink

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Just wanted to say everything is working as expected here. :~)

I kept a few features – search, calculator, etc – and Intel drivers, and protected important files. Removed everything else, and enabled all the “Expert” removal features. My ISO is 847MB, installed size is 2.11GB, c:\windows\ folder is 1.71GB, and winsxs is 82MB.

I'm installing this on an actual hard-drive as my main OS. It seems as if I have all the functionality I need. I'll report back if any of my applications break.

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hi, i have checked remove dvd maker,windows sidebar and sticky notes, but not work. I have this program when install modified iso.

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

foobar wrote:
Just wanted to say everything is working as expected here. :~)

I kept a few features – search, calculator, etc – and Intel drivers, and protected important files. Removed everything else, and enabled all the “Expert” removal features. My ISO is 847MB, installed size is 2.11GB, c:\windows\ folder is 1.71GB, and winsxs is 82MB.

I'm installing this on an actual hard-drive as my main OS. It seems as if I have all the functionality I need. I'll report back if any of my applications break.

Thank you very much for your feedback !

qbert79 wrote:
Hi, i have checked remove dvd maker,windows sidebar and sticky notes, but not work. I have this program when install modified iso.

Could you please open a thread in the "WINREDUCER 7.0 - BUGS" forum ... Thank you ! Wink

descriptionWinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds - Page 21 EmptyRe: WinReducer 7.0 - FINAL Builds

Hello guys,

I will release a new build in 2 days ! So RC7 will be out soon ... Smile
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