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Windows 10 Preview

9 posters

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

It does work even on Windows 10?

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Yes my friend and the test I made yesterday (1.1 Gb ISO) was done using an x64 WinReduced ISO with all EXPERT options activated ...

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Great, this will speed up our remove process, I guess it isn't even that much work to remove everything! Let us bundle our forces and strip it completely off Smile

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Guys the Aero Theme exists, it's the default installed one, it isn't like we knew in Windows 7 Very Happy .
Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\ double click on aero.theme or theme1.theme or theme2.theme to see the change.

I think they may change it in the final version Wink

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Torrentus wrote:
Guys the Aero Theme exists, it's the default installed one, it isn't like we knew in Windows 7 Very Happy .
Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\ double click on aero.theme or theme1.theme or theme2.theme to see the change.

I think they may change it in the final version Wink

Does that bring transparency/translucency to window borders? I think that is specifically called 'glass effect' in aero.

I'll get the ISO in a few hours from now, have a horrible internet connection.

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Only the taskbar is transparent, nothing more...

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview


descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

WOW, Windows Location Settings is a GPS spyware system in Windows 10, sending data and your location to Microsoft main server:

Let Windows periodically send GPS and other location information to Microsoft
when you use location-aware apps. We won't use this information to identify
or contact you.

My comment: Yea sure, we trust you in everything. Why not install cameras and microphones in our homes?

George Orwell was an optimist! Will remove this sh*t and post it in my Windows 10 Remove List...

P.S Anyways I always knew that every Windows has a hidden backdoor in the system, but nowadays they are so arrogant that they don't even hide it...

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

runing now ...dual boot win8.1...win10 workin fine gadgets xdock...and ipack pureblue from Mr Blade...awesom Very Happy

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Hey Guys I copied this post from another thread to this thread, because I would like to be clear and everyone should know about it. Someone already asked about this issue...

If you are using an untouched Windows 10 Preview and this will be even in the final release, you need to keep in mind your OS is
completely exposed for spying. You are totally transparent and they will know about everything you are doing. 

They will know which programs and apps you are using via Telemetry and Windows Geolocation...
They will know which websites you are browsing via Internet Explorer and all Bing Apps which are also connected with Telemetry and Windows Geolocation...
They will know your exact home location through built-in GPS system if or maybe even if not you are using Windows Apps and Internet Explorer via Windows Geolocation...
They will record you Skype calls which everybody should nowadays already know...
They could identify your friends and family through People and Skype...
They will know your emails via the Mail app and Windows Mail...
They will know your data on your Computer via Windows Feedback and if you are using the MS Cloudsystem OneDrive...

In the end they will record and send all the data from to MS main server and make a profile about you and your habits. 
Maybe they will even sell the data to corporations and intelligence agencies...

I have made a list which are all built-in spyware by MS in Windows 10:

Cortana, Finance, Food & Drink, Games, Health & Fitness, Mail, Maps, News, 
OneDrive, People, Skype, Sports, Travel, Weather, Windows Feedback, Windows Store

Programs and System Components:
Auto Check Utility Proxy, Credential Manager, Internet Explorer, Family Safety, Microsoft Feeds, Windows Geolocation ( Locations and Settings ), 
Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program / Software Quality Management / Application Experience / Application Impact Telemetry, 
Windows Error Reporting, Windows Live, Windows Mail, Windows Phone, Windows Update

So this is not fear mongering, these are facts and if you want to use Windows 10 Preview and the final release in the future
I RECOMMEND TO REMOVE ALL THIS TROJAN SPYWARE. I hope everyone understands and it is clear now Windows 10 Preview - Page 4 Icon_smile

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

@winter : From what I know, Win 10 does not have 'Media Center'. But winreducer is showing an option to remove MC. Shouldn't that option be removed?

Also, are there two editions of Windows in the tech preview ISO? I got an option to mount either 'Win 10' or 'Win 10 for consumers' when I used winreducer. But earlier when I installed the original ISO on a VM, it did not ask me to choose the edition.

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Could you add an option to disable item check boxes? On win10, that's enabled by default.

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview


I am having trouble removing the Internet Explorer, installation will abort.

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Hen Ry wrote:

I am having trouble removing the Internet Explorer, installation will abort.

Are you getting any error message? If so, what and when?

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Search everywehre -> remains empty

Windows 10 Preview - Page 4 Search10

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

aymanalz wrote:
Hen Ry wrote:

I am having trouble removing the Internet Explorer, installation will abort.

Are you getting any error message? If so, what and when?

new wim created -> works again  Smile

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

Sounds great my friend !

descriptionWindows 10 Preview - Page 4 EmptyRe: Windows 10 Preview

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