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Slim down boot.wim

9 posters

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Ok, found out why (Torrentus) boot.wim was broken.

Missing license files (must be important)
I added back the original files into


BINGO, it worked  Smile

This might only help the en-US people, but it's a start.

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Yuriy wrote:
KrX wrote:
hmm thats really funny. normally it should work even if your language is Russian

So what does not work?
It seems to do everything as you write ... Or not?

yes you did ok

but the output should be some hundred lines long

maybe you could translate whats in the output.txt?

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Just out of interest.

I've just discovered that you don't even have to mount/commit/unmount a .wim file to make changes.  I opened the boot.wim file in 7-zip, removed files/added files and the changes were applied!!  Shocked

"Interesting, Mr Bond!"

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

KrX wrote:
Yuriy wrote:
KrX wrote:
hmm thats really funny. normally it should work even if your language is Russian

So what does not work?
It seems to do everything as you write ... Or not?

yes you did ok

but the output should be some hundred lines long

maybe you could translate whats in the output.txt?

No. I also can not read the characters

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

brittech wrote:
Just out of interest.

I've just discovered that you don't even have to mount/commit/unmount a .wim file to make changes.  I opened the boot.wim file in 7-zip, removed files/added files and the changes were applied!!  Shocked

"Interesting, Mr Bond!"

Oh! Thank you! Now try ... Smile

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

so i saw now you used this command:

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\dism\iso\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\bootwim\offline

index:1 is Microsoft Windows PE (x64) i normally delete this index because i dont use it

try to change the index to 2

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\dism\iso\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:c:\bootwim\offline

and it should work. i think some files wount be deleted becaue you need to take ownership of them, also i saw you use windows 8(.1) and i didnt test it on win8(.1)

also i saw you didnt use the "winsxs folder cleanup" at winreducer so your boot.wim wount be much smaller

so im thinking of making a video tutorial.
and also i will reupload the Root.bat in which i will remove all lines that remove drivers (because other people could need them)

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

KrX wrote:
so i saw now you used this command:

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\dism\iso\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\bootwim\offline

index:1 is Microsoft Windows PE (x64) i normally delete this index because i dont use it

try to change the index to 2

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\dism\iso\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:c:\bootwim\offline

and it should work. i think some files wount be deleted becaue you need to take ownership of them, also i saw you use windows 8(.1) and i didnt test it on win8(.1)

also i saw you didnt use the "winsxs folder cleanup" at winreducer so your boot.wim wount be much smaller

so im thinking of making a video tutorial.
and also i will reupload the Root.bat in which i will remove all lines that remove drivers (because other people could need them)

Thank you, I will understand ...

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Ok, this might work.  Torrentus has probably got something like this which he used to make his boot.wim in the first place, but I had to work out what was different from an original boot.wim and the micro boot.wim

So, grab these two files   (CLICK ON FILENAMES TO DOWNLOAD)

Start a CMD prompt as an Administrator

Put a copy of your boot.wim file to the d:\ drive.  (You'll have to replace that reference if you don't use d:\ drive)
Before you mount your boot.wim, delete the first image inside (WinPE image - not the Windows Setup image)
something like....


dism /delete-image /imagefile:d:\boot.wim /name:"Microsoft Windows PE (x64)"

I'm using  D:\wimoffline  as my folder for mounting the image - you need to change the .bat files 2nd line to match your mounting directory.

save the two .bat files to the d:\  drive.  Like this...


cd /d D:\
mkdir d:\wimoffline
dism /mount-image /imagefile:d:\boot.wim /mountdir:d:\wimoffline /index:1
_remove_dirs.bat   >d:\output1.log

    check the output1.log file and stop here if you get lots of errors!


_remove_files.bat  >d:\output2.log

    check the output2.log file and stop here if you get lots of errors!

Assuming all is well, just make sure you're not inside the wimoffline folder and unmount the image with /commit


cd /d D:\
dism /unmount-image /mountdir:d:\wimoffline /commit
imagex /compress maximum /export d:\boot.wim  1  d:\boot-slim.wim

The boot-slim.wim file should be a lot smaller (below 50mb)
To use the boot-slim.wim file you would need to delete boot.wim and rename boot-slim.wim to boot.wim, then place that in your CD folder ready for burning.

Let me know how you get on.

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Another little thing I've noticed...

If you open up a .wim file in 7-zip (I'm using version 9.30 x64)

you may see a [Files] folder
Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 12876511

I believe that folder is storing the changes you've made to the .wim file.
It is safe to delete the [Files] folder which should shrink you .wim file.

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

hey brittech,

one question about your Batch files.

did you use my or torrentus his Batch or did you creatue yours yourself?

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Created a new one.

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

brittech wrote:
Created a new one.

Hello! And where to get these files? You can link? I want to try ...

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Yuriy, they are linked Smile

You just need to click on them.

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

brittech wrote:
Yuriy, they are linked Smile

You just need to click on them.

Oh ... not yet awake, late yesterday went to sleep ... Already downloaded ... I'll try. Thank you! Wink

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Yuriy wrote:
Oh ... not yet awake, late yesterday went to sleep ... Already downloaded ... I'll try. Thank you! Wink


descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 <a href=Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 E64ba1dcb32d" />
If I have a Russian version of Windows...

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

KrX, you deleted my thread?

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

mrpotter2510 wrote:
KrX, you deleted my thread?

no i just moved it to the

WinReducer Micro Edition


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Yuriy wrote:
Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 %3Ca%20href=Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 E64ba1dcb32d" />
If I have a Russian version of Windows...

yes you need to change that

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Ok thanks Very Happy But my thread is about windows 8.1 boot.wim, so i don't know if it should be in here Neutral

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Hey guys,

@mrpotter2510 : KrX did the right thing ... because your excellent discussion should help to create a windows micro edition ... Very Happy

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Updated scripts to try to adjust to your language.

Edit both script and change this top line to match your language


set varMyLang=en-US

for example, change it to become


set varMyLang=ru-RU

1.  _remove_dirs.bat
2.  _remove_files.bat

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

brittech wrote:
Updated scripts to try to adjust to your language.

Edit both script and change this top line to match your language


set varMyLang=en-US

for example, change it to become


set varMyLang=ru-RU

1.  _remove_dirs.bat
2.  _remove_files.bat

Thank you for this! Those reduced by only 25MB. I will try these ... Something is not much I did it - I do like what you write, and the size was not even close to your ... Sad Question Smile

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Hey Guys, I am posting the tutorial how I did it. I don't know if I updated this tutorial to my current boot.wim but you will get the basics...
To make it this small you also need to use Resource Hacker FX to remove images/icons from various .dll's , but this is not included in this tutorial. Anyways here it is:

Boot.wim description = Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)

Start GImageX ( You need GImageX, because WinToolkit doesn't capture with boot option )
and go to the Delete tab and browse the boot.wim from the original Windows 7 Ultimate ISO.

Image 1 ( WinPE, Mini-Windows for recovery and repair )

Hit the Delete button.

Go to the Mount tab and select your mount temp folder and select as source the boot.wim,
Read and Write enabled and hit Mount. Don't close GimageX.

Go to your mount folder and start to delete:

Program Files
Program Data

Go to folder sources and delete:

Go to folder Windows and delete:

Go to folder Windows/en-US and delete:

Go to folder Windows/Fonts and delete:
all fonts except the 35 fonts starting with vga and dont delete the xml file

Go to folder Windows/Inf and delete:
( all net*.* except nfrd960 and nvraid )

Go to folder Windows/servicing and delete:

Go to folder Windows/System32 and delete:
all folders except:

Go to folder Windows/System32/Boot and delete:
Go to folder Windows/System32/Boot/en-US and delete:

Go to folder Windows/System32/config and delete:
all files except:
Go to folder Windows/System32/config/systemprofile and delete:
all files except folder Appdata and ntuser.dat

Go to folder Windows/System32/drivers and delete:

Go to folder Windows/System32/DriverStore and delete:
Go to folder Windows/System32/DriverStore/FileRepository and delete:
( all net*.* except nfrd960 and nvraid )
all *.pnf files

Go to Windows/SysWOW64 and everything in the folder

Go to Windows, search and delete following files:


wininet.dll - do not delete Internet Extension file or installation breaks
C*.*nls Files - do not delete all NLS files or installation breaks
fvevol.sys - do not delete Bitlocker Driver file or installation breaks
dnsapi.dll - do not delete DNS Client file or installation breaks
credui.dll - do not delete Credential Manager file or installation breaks
vds*.* files - do not delete any Virtual Disk files or installation breaks
wkssvc.dll - do not delete Workstation file or installation breaks
wkscli.dll - do not delete Workstation file or installation breaks
gpsvc.dll - do not delete Group Policy file or installation breaks
gpapi.dll - do not delete Group Policy file or installation breaks
wpeutil - do not delete WinPE file or installation breaks
winpeshl - do not delete WinPE file or installation breaks
netcfg - do not delete WinPE file or installation breaks
wpeinit - do not delete WinPE file or installation breaks
drvload - do not delete WinPE file or installation breaks
iertutil.dll - do not delete Internet Explorer file or installation breaks
propsys - do not delete Property System file or Load Driver error
lpk - do not delete Language Pack file or installation breaks
msctf - do not delete MSCTF Server or installation breaks
winsta - do not delete Winstation Library file or installation breaks
utildll - do not delete Winstation utility file or installation breaks
wkscli - do not delete Workstation Service Client file or installation breaks
wkssvc - do not delete Workstation Service file or installation breaks
uxtheme - do not delete Microsoft UxTheme Library file or installation breaks
efslsaext - do not delete LSA Windows 2008 Server file or installation breaks
lsasrv - do not delete LSA Server file or installation breaks
sspisrv - do not delete LSA SSPI RPC interface file or installation breaks
wtsapi32 - do not delete Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server file or installation breaks
msftedit - do not delete Rich Text Edit Control file or installation breaks
dnsapi - do not delete DNS Client API file or installation breaks
sxs - do not delete Windows Fusion 2.5 file or installation breaks
ci - do not delete Code Integrity Module file or installation breaks
winlogon - do not delete Windows Logon Application file or installation breaks
LogonUI - do not delete Windows Logon User Interface file or installation breaks
tdh - do not delete Event Trace Helper Library file or installation breaks
credui - do not delete Credential Manager User Interface file or installation breaks
conhost - do not delete Console Window Host file or installation breaks
neth -  - do not delete Net Help Messages file or installation breaks
logoncli - do not delete Net Logon Client file or installation breaks
netmsg - do not delete Net Messages file or installation breaks
netapi32 - do not delete Net Win32 API file or installation breaks
netutils - do not delete Net Win32 API Helper file or installation breaks
winnsi - do not delete Network Store Information RPC file or installation breaks
nsisvc - do not delete Network Store Information RPC Server file or installation breaks
samsrv - do not delete SAM Server file or installation breaks
IPHLPAPI - do not delete IP Helper API file or installation breaks
netjoin - do not delete Domain Join file or installation breaks

Remove via Windows search:

All KB*.* files except KBDUS

bthserv - Bluetooth 
bthci - Bluetooth
flpydisk - Floppy 
fdc - Floppy
tapi32 - Microsoft Telephony
smclib - smart card
WinSCard - Smart card
raspptp - p2p 
srcore - System Restore 
srclient - system Restore 
rstrui - System Restore 
ReAgent - Windows Recovery
Vm*.* - Hyper-V
Vmbus - Hyper-V
VmdCoinstall - Hyper-V
wacompen - Wacom 
wbadmin - Windows Backup
cmifw - Windows Firewall
FwRemoteSvr - Windows Firewall
wfapigp - Windows Firewall
icfupgd - Windows Firewall
wbiosrvc - Biometric 
winbio - Biometric 

bmrui - Windows Disaster Recovery
dhcp ( all files ) - DHCP

eapp3hst - ThirdPartyEapDispatcher
eappcfg - Eap Peer Config
eappgnui - Eap Generic UI
eapphost - Eap Host Peer
eappprxy - EAP Host Peer
eapsvc - EAP Host

netlogon - Netlogon Services
netman - Network Connections Manager
notepad - Notepad
ntprint - Spooler Setup
ntprint - Printer driver
PING - Ping Command
print - Print Utility
ras ( all files ) - Remote Access
recdisc - Windows Repair Disc
recover - Recover Files Utility
repair-bde - Bitlocker
ROUTE - Route Command
taskmgr - Task Manager
tcpipcfg - Network Configuration
tcpmib - TCP/IP Port Monitor Helper
TCPSVCS - TCP/IP Services Application
wer - Windows Error Reporting
werdiagcontroller - WER Diagnostic Controller
wermgr - Windows Problem Reporting
werui - Windows Error Reporting
wlaninst - WLan
wlanutil - Wlan

In Windows/System32 folder delete:
C_10000.NLS till C_28605.NLS - delete all except C_20932.NLS

fvecerts - Bitlocker
fvecpl - Bitlocker
fveui - Bitlocker
fveapi - Bitlocker
fveapibase - Bitlocker
fveRecover - Bitlocker
manage-bde - Bitlocker

dnsrslvr - DNS Caching Resolver
dnscacheugc - DNS Cache
loadperf - Load & Unload Performance Counters
lodctr - Load Performance Counters
perfctrs - Performance Counters
Eap3Host - EAP Third Party

MdSched - Windows Memory Diagnostic
webio - Web Transfer Protocol
unlodctr - Unload PerfMon Counters


setup.bmp - Setup BMP


Bitlocker - Bitlocker
BitLockerWizard.exe - Bitlocker
BitLockerWizardElev.exe - Bitlocker
BdeUnlockWizard.exe - Bitlocker
bderepair - Bitlocker
fvewiz - Bitlocker

comres - COM+ Resources
wevtsvc - Event Logging
esent - Extensible Storage Engine
C_G18030 - GB18030 DBCS Unicode Conversion
IcCoinstall - Hyper - V
IKEEXT - IKE extension
imapi2fs - Imapi
kbd101 - Japanese Keyboard Layout
kbd103 - Japanese Keyboard Layout
kbd106 - Japanese Keyboard Layout
f3ahvoas - Japanese Keyboard Layout
kerberos - Kerberos Security
mfc42 - MFCDLL Shared Library
mfc42u - MFCDLL Shared Library
jscript - Microsoft JScript
vbscript - Microsoft VBScript
dwmcore - DWM Core
inetmib1 - MIB-II subagent
MPSSVC - Microsoft Protection
cryptui - Microsoft Trust UI Provider
WindowsCodecs - Windows Codecs
wbengine - Microsoft Backup
blbres - Microsoft Backup
blb_ps - Microsoft Backup
apds - Microsoft Help Data
hhctrl - Microsoft HTML Help
vssapi - Volume Shadow Copy
VSSVC - Volume Shadow Copy
vss_ps - Volume Shadow Copy
swprv - Volume Shadow Copy
vsstrace - Volume Shadow Copy
msxml3 - MSXML 3.0
msxml6 - MSXML 6.0
netcfgx - Network Configuration Objects
netshell - Network Connections Shell
pnidui - Network System Icon
riched20 - Rich Text Edit Control
authui - Windows Authentication UI
bdeui - Bitlocker
dui70 - Wondows DirectUI Engine
nshwfp - Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper
FirewallAPI - Firewall
dbghelp - Windows Image Helper
msvcp60 - Windows NT C++ Runtime Library
dbgeng - Windows Symbolic Debugger
webservices - Windows Web Services
wmicmiplugin - WMI CMI Plugin
SmiEngine - WMI Configuration Core

AuxiliaryDisplayClassInstaller - Class installer for Microsoft SideShow-compatible devices - safe to delete
keyiso - CNG Key Isolation Service   - safe to delete
BootRec - Disk Metadata Disgnosis and Repair Tool  - safe to delete
wdigest - Microsoft Digest Access  - safe to delete
defragsvc - Disk Defragmenter  - safe to delete
defragproxy - Disk Defragmenter Proxy  - safe to delete
eventcls - Volume Shadow Copy  - safe to delete
net.exe - Net Command  - safe to delete
net1.exe - Net Command - safe to delete
polstore - Policy Storage - safe to delete
Robocopy - Robocopy - safe to delete
verifier - Standard application verifier - safe to delete
vpnikeapi - VPN IKE API - safe to delete
vpnike - VPNIKE Protocol Engine - safe to delete
wdscsl - Windows Deployment Services Client - safe to delete
wdscapture - Windows Deployment Services Image Capture Wizard - safe to delete
WdsImage - Windows Deployment Services Image Library - safe to delete
wdstptc - Windows Deployment Services Transport Client - safe to delete
winhttp - Windows HTTP Services - safe to delete
winipsec - Windows IPsec SPD Client - safe to delete
IPSECSVC - Windows IPsec SPD Server - safe to delete
dskquota - Windows Shell Disk Quota Support - safe to delete
winspool - Printer Device Driver - safe to delete

wdscore - Panther Engine Module - safe to delete
adsldpc - ADs LDAP Provider - safe to delete
activeds - ADS Router Layer - safe to delete
authz - Authorization Framework - safe to delete
BFE - Base Filtering Engine - safe to delete
httpapi - HTTP Protocol Stack API - safe to delete
imapi - Burn Image Mastering API - safe to delete
imapi2 - Burn Image Mastering API v2 - safe to delete

autochk - Auto Check Utility - safe to delete
autoconv - Auto File System Conversion Utility - safe to delete
clusapi - Cluster API - safe to delete
ftp - FTP - safe to delete
jsproxy - JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration - safe to delete
winmm - MCI API - safe to delete
hhsetup - Microsoft HTML Help - safe to delete
sstpsvc - Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol - safe to delete
ntshrui - Shell extensions for sharing - safe to delete
takeown - Takes ownership of a file - safe to delete
ARP -  TCP/IP Arp Command - safe to delete
nbstat - TCP/IP NetBios Information - safe to delete
netstat - TCP/IP Netstat Command - safe to delete
pathping - TCP/IP PathPing Command - safe to delete
tracert - TCP/IP Traceroute Command - safe to delete
finger - TCP/IP Finger Command - safe to delete
wimserv - Wimfltr v2 extractor - safe to delete
PkgMgr - Windows Package Manager - safe to delete
w32time - Windows Time Service - safe to delete

hh.exe - HTML Help 
esentutl - Extensible Storage Engine Utilites
schannel - TLS / SSL Security Provider
spp - Microsoft Windows Shared Protection

ncpa - Network Connections Control Panel Stub
ncsi - Network Connectivity Satus Indicator
netbios - NetBIOS Interface Library
netbtugc - NetBT Unattend Generic Command
netiohelp - Netio Helper 
netiogc - Netio Unattend Generic Command
netsh - Network Command Shell
nlaapi - Network Location Awareness 2
nlasvc - Network Location Awareness 2
wshnetbs - Netbios Windows Sockets Helper

ipconfig - IP Configuration Utility
ntlanman - Microsoft Lan Manager
nrpsrv - Name Resolution Proxy

odbcint - ODBC Resources
odbc32 - ODBC Driver Manager
odbctrac - ODBC Driver Manager Trace
odbccp32 - ODBC Installer

Go to Windows/winsxs and delete everything except:

Clean your recycle bin!

Important!!! After you deleted the files from WinSXS folder, some files are now locked, (Lock Icon)
you need to unlock them or Windows Setup will not work! So check all folder and just delete all locked files, they will be now moved to your recycle bin. Go to your recycle bin and select all restore.
Now all files that were locked are now unlocked.


Finally switch back to GimageX, go to the Capture tab, point the mount folder as source and destination as your output where your final boot.wim will be created. 

Name = Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
Description = Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
Compression = Maximum
SKU Flag = Blank
Display Name = Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)
Display Desc. = Microsoft Windows Setup (x64)

Check Boot in Options and hit Create.

When it's captured, go to Mount tab and hit the Unmount. Replace your new boot.wim and make your ISO. You are finished!

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Of course you can compare my boot.wim with the original and make a batch file script like brittech did Wink

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

@Torrentus, thanks for your tutorial

@Yuriy - I wonder if you have exported your image into a new one (this removes the 'memory' of the changes you've made to your .wim file.)
Another way to do it is, once you've made your changes using these scripts, commit and unmount the image and then open it in 7-zip.
You should see a folder [Files] remove that folder - the .wim file should then shrink!

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

im done with an video tutorial (which can be used for all batch files)

i just need to shrink the size, upload and open a thread (ready in the next hours)

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

brittech wrote:
@Torrentus, thanks for your tutorial

@Yuriy - I wonder if you have exported your image into a new one (this removes the 'memory' of the changes you've made to your .wim file.)
Another way to do it is, once you've made your changes using these scripts, commit and unmount the image and then open it in 7-zip.
You should see a folder [Files] remove that folder - the .wim file should then shrink!

In general, I goes like this:
First, change the language:
Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 <a href=Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 889238edb46c" />
cd /d D:\
mkdir d:\wimoffline
dism /mount-image /imagefile:d:\boot.wim /mountdir:d:\wimoffline /index:1
_remove_dirs.bat   >d:\output1.log
_remove_files.bat  >d:\output2.log
Writes - Unable to find almost every item
Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 <a href=Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 B1cc21870c36" />
cd /d D:\
dism /unmount-image /mountdir:d:\wimoffline /commit
And that's what happened
Slim down boot.wim - Page 2 5f9d23454b9e
Where something does not work or I'm not doing .... Prompt.

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Spoiler :

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim


your batch files remove all keyboard files and also .nls files.

if someone from another country need one of these the installation will probably fail

my video tutorial is finished

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its uploading at the moment "65%"

descriptionSlim down boot.wim - Page 2 EmptyRe: Slim down boot.wim

Ok, Yuriy.

Let's find out what's happening.

Please could you mount your boot.wim file, as before, but this time I just want to capture a complete listing of the files within your boot.wim image.

so, when the image is mounted, from the cmd prompt, please type:


dir  /a  /ogn  /s   d:\wimoffline >image_list.txt

Thanks Very Happy
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