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[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

8 posters

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search Empty[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

With this wccf (Klick here) Windows search is not working, even though I checked "Protect Windows Search". It is impossible to place the cursor in the Explorer search field. In the start menue search field its possible to enter a string but the search has always no results.

I think this shouldn't happen when "Protect Windows search" is selected. Does anone has an idea where to start searching for the reason?

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hi Hanyo

I never use Windows search

 i use OpenShell ; it gives you direct access to nearly all  windows  utilities and  commands

 Make a directory {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} in C:\Windows and
put  C:\Windows\explorer.exe  shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} into a batch file and You get 
Godmode with all existing Windows commands

Last install  the program Everuthing, this is really a  jewel to search

All those tree items work even when Windows Index is removed


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hi Icy,

it seems to be a bug anyway ...

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hi Hanyo

It is probably so if   You say. it.
My Point is that  windows 10 is a very good Operating System,
But I do not like all microsoft's  accessories & programs  that
collect data (SPY ??)  in the name of making their O.S better,
smarter etc
Windows 10 should only be a basic module, that could be 
extended with modules depending onto the use
modules for  music ,video , cad , documents etc ,etc
Most of the bugs into Windows  that let  trojans in is
because malware code is placed after  jumps that  
are  out of  the memory region.
Controlling those jumps  should eliminate a lot of malware.
But they do not want to control this because they want to 
create backdoors  (FBI, US goverment , etc)
And as some hacker finds out such a region,
well then they need to make updates .


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hello guys Smile

Added in the to-do list.

Thanks for the report !

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

 Hi , winterstorm2050

Windows search breaks : Modern UI Apps - Cortana

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

I can confirm the statement of kevinnash026. When I keep Cortana, die Search works.

Unfortunately, I don't like Cortana at all. Does anybody know which file exactly is required for the function of Windows Search? I want to copy it back manually until winterstorm has solved the problem.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

SOLVED in v2.3.3.1 [VIP] and v2.3.4.0 [ALL] !

Hello guys Smile

@kevinnash026  : Thank you very much for your report about Cortana ... this was faster to solve Smile

It seems that MS is migrating Windows Explorer Search to Cortana engine (new search environment), you can view the blue arrow in the explorer search box if you add a text to search. So, it requires more files from Cortana component to work correctly.

Hanyo, I'm sharing your point of view about Cortana, this is why :
- I'm removing completely Search and Cortana
- I'm using a dedicated portable search software : "[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]" ... it's free, fast and very efficient Wink

Anyways, this is considered as solved Smile


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hi Winterstorm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] mayby an older version is free


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hello icy007 Smile

Yes you're right, I'm using the v3.5.0 "Lite" ... maybe an old version which was free for sure.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search


Thank you for solving this issue so quickly.

I would like to remove the Windows search as well, but it bothers me that the search fields then remain functionless. I don't like it when an element causes an action that is then not possible. Is there a way to remove the input fields with Windows Search as well?

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hi Winterstorm
Try  advanced search in Everything, this should do the trick
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hello Hanyo Smile

You are welcome my friend !

Yes, I'm like you with this search box in explorer, unfortunately this is hard coded ... so it can be done but will need a software with live mode functionalities ... WinReducer is not able to do live changes, just yet Wink but it will be able to do such things in a near future ... among many new other things Wink

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

I can confirm that I encountered the same problem. But I preferred to delete the cortana metro ui and search service then I implemented the "everything" app.
winterstorm should implement a separate module for windows search and one for the cortana.

Cortana generic located in: c://programfiles/windowsapps/microsoft.54998....
Windows Search generic located in: c://windows/systemapps/

but in winreducer i not have option for delete only 1 of 2.
If I delete the cortana, windows search is automatically deleted from the files explained above.
I did a test with take ownership and if I only delete the cortana files from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] windows search works well.
You have to study this problem, I'm sure no one wants to keep the cortana application only for windows search.
My lite version of windows 10 v2004 is already on the internet with the everything application preinstalled.
Tested with win10 v2004 and winreducer 25 May 2020

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hello gurureducer Smile

Thank you very much for your feedback, which is very interesting !

I updated the removing process for Cortana and it will kept only the necessary files for windows search (generic) in the v2.3.3.1 [VIP] build available since 2 days (30 May 2020) ... if you want the generic search (in 2004), you will not see the folder you mentioned Smile

The v2.3.4.0 [ALL] will be available today !

And I want to share some information about WinReducerOS for the search stuff ... WinReducerOS will have its own search functionality (I mean integrated), so there will be no need to use Cortana or Explorer Search or a third party software ... and best of all, like all WinReducerOS functionalities, you will be able to create an entire interface ..... and user experience ... for your WinReducerOS search module Wink

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hi, winterstorm2050

I tried new version, Modern UI APPS - Cortana it still not work properly, windows search is not work.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hello kevinnash026 Smile

I confirm the bug ... I apologize for the inconvenient, and I will fix it today with a new build Smile

Thanks for the report !

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

SOLVED in v2.3.5.0 [ALL] !

Hello guys Smile

I improved the fix for windows search and Cortana ... and it should work correctly with all WinReduced operating system.

PS : it will be available in few minutes Smile ... DONE Wink

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Wonderful !!! Thanks in advance  Very Happy

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Here it's still not working (tested with 20H1).

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hanyo !!! 

Tweak is working, I tested on 20H1

You must go PRESETS and activate PROTECT WINDOWS SEARCH and then delete CORTANA.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

I did all this. Here is my wccf:

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hanyo !!!
I check you file and tweak realy not work.

I continue tests.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hi Guys
I do not use Search at all,never as it is Microsoft's and I do not thrust them at all.
Microsoft is changing code so that all is more  integrated one in another so that they can  follow all your moves.
China  has done it with the internet,
France startes it
Within decades we will loose  freedom of mind, see a French article below traduced  to English

Fwd: Ils veulent faire vérifier TOUS vos messages privés (They want to check ALL your private messages)
They want to spy on ALL your private messages
In France, Belgium and elsewhere.
The relentless Chinese Communist dictatorship is being replicated here in France.
And this is unfortunately not an image or a way of speaking.
Two major evidence that Avia Act, recently passed by MPs, is only the first lock on your freedom ...
... announcing in other more tight, directly inspired by the Chinese dictatorship.

1. Go to Prison (home)
In French prison, prisoners can exchange correspondence with the outside.
These letters are routinely opened and read by the prison administration.
We understand this surveillance measure, since prisoners are not choir boys. Some considered dangerous mails must be "held" and not be delivered to the addressee, but carefully added to the inmate's file.
Well, the promoters of the Avia law also want to apply this measure to monitor ...
... to you and to all the French still free.
In all your private correspondence!
Philippe Coen, president of the NGO Compliance area which supports since the beginning the Avia Act is very clear.
And it is cold in the back:
"The Avia law has already passed, it does not take into account the private courier. It is known by our fieldwork that everything happens in private. "[1]
You read that if you do nothing, your emails, your SMS, your WhatsApp exchanges ...
ALL your private communications may soon spices, peeled, weighed and recorded.
Even if you have nothing to reproach yourself, you will be touted as a convict.
If you refuse to give up your freedom, act with Damocles!

2. totalitarian New Internet "Chinese"
The Financial Times has recently released a sensational investigation into the Chinese offensive against Internet freedom. [2]
The newspaper reveals how Chinese leaders are gaining by selling to Western leaders a "new version" of the Internet. And they come dangerously good!
The issue is simple: today the Internet is beyond the French government. It is a space of relative freedom, where you can exchange, including encrypted message if you like.
The Chinese argue for replacing the network by another so-called "improved" ... where states have absolute control of information.
What is very attractive for the government, you can imagine.
Instead of a grid made of a multitude of nodes, all would be centralized. To do any research, visit a site, use an application ...
... you have to have the state license.
This tactic is clear: the "free" internet bothers Chinese censors. By suppressing this freedom, they eliminate their problem.
And they also ensure a descent on all countries that opt for this new infrastructure made in China.
This is not science fiction, nor even in 10 years.
Some components of the new "network" will go into phase trial next year.
And as you say that this perspective fits perfectly with the Avia censorship law ...
The urgency is absolute: if you want to continue to read and say what you want, even in private, without having to answer to the State, we must oppose most strongly and as quickly as possible in the project totalitarian!
Like fish in the net
The French are being caught in a trap ...
Yet very few react.
Instead they dig it like fish in the net.
If you do not wake up now, they will realize this when the trap will be closed on them. They may even growl without shock to the train.
Their slave collar around the neck, they can do anything.
And do not count on the politically correct media to alert the French!
This blindness is unfortunately not new.
Take for example, David Thomson, an investigative journalist who predicted jihadist attacks on our soil.
On TV shows, laughed him!
The usual propagandists claimed that it was IMPOSSIBLE ...
It was a few months before the slaughter Bataclan ...
It was a few months before the carnage of Charlie Hebdo ...
And before the children to be crushed by a truck in Nice.
Of course, reality is imposed on those liars media.
David Thomson was right and the general public has realized.
Indeed, the overwhelming success of the petition of Damocles against the return of jihadists in France is the best proof.
The Damoclésiens massively informed and mobilized French.
And the government was forced to hear this clamor.
And it changed course!

But today, the French will not have a second chance. Because with this large-scale censorship system, our enemies attack the very root of the power of the people.
They attack your freedom of expression.
If you let the government do, if you let up in France totalitarian influences as practiced today in China, oppression will be formidable.
Already censorship is increasingly present on social networks.
Gradually, they are tightening the net.
With Avia law, they have established a legislative tool completely draconian, promoting self censorship and self-censorship.
Tomorrow they will outright change the structure of the internet to better control you.
In a few months in China, every citizen will be tracked and noted. One false step against the regime, it will lose a point of its "social credit". [3]
Lose points "social credit" can prevent access to public jobs, send your kids in some schools to travel by plane or train to travel freely, to have a home loan and can even cause loss of your job.
This is not science fiction!
China is experimenting this system of "social credit" in forty cities for 6 years ... and generalize the account at the end of the year!
As for the "new internet", Sheng Jiang, head of Huawei team, assured in September that "academic and industrial environments" engineers "several countries" have already started to build the system ...
The beginning of a great regression of freedoms around the world.
Do you really want it to France?
With Damocles, defend your freedom of expression
Against this imminent danger threatening the freedom of the French, the Damoclésiens fight valiantly.
At the time I am writing, over 70,000 Damoclésiens have already signed the petition " NO to Avia law: Defend your Freedom of Speech ! "
Sputnik Media has released a long article about this action of Damocles: Avia Act, "it is urgent to put a stop to this Orwellian project"
Breizh Info Media also speaks here: Samuel Lafont, "By its mobilization campaigns, Damocles allows the French to regain power" [Interview]
Even better: thanks to the massive mobilization of Weapon of Damocles, in less than a week, more than 100,000 emails were sent to the "Wise Men" of the Constitutional Council.
Indeed, the Constitutional Council has the power to break the law Avia. And it must give its opinion in the coming days.
Council members did not expect a mobilization of this magnitude.
And for good reason: it is unprecedented!

But this is only a step. A battle over.
For the urgency rises again.
Together, we must all fight to defend our freedom of speech, our freedom to think.
And for that, you are a vital link in the chain.

[1] Quoted by the site 01net .com May 24, 2020 https: // www .01net .com / news / law-against-the-cyber-hate-that-is-what-it-exchange-for- you-.html 1918801
[2] Financial Times, March 27, 2020 - Inside China's controversial task to reinvent the Internet.
[3] https: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] .com / credit-social inquiry-on-the-system-of-notation qui sinstalle-in-the-life-of-Chinese-550149 .html
[4] See in particular Article Sputnik: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] .

Sources  French
[1] Cité par le site 01net .com le 24 mai 2020 https: //www .01net .com/actualites/loi-contre-la-cyber-haine-qu-est-ce-que-cela-change-pour-vous-1918801 .html
[2] Financial Times, 27 mars 2020 - Inside China's controversial mission to reinvent the internet.
[3] https: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] .fr/credit-social-enquete-sur-ce-systeme-de-notation-qui-sinstalle-dans-la-vie-des-chinois-550149 .html
[4] Voir notamment l’article de Sputnik : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

IIf There is interest, I can post the french version


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hello guys,

I confirm there is something else, another component probably, which breaks windows search Evil or Very Mad

@Hanyo,: if it's possible could you please do this test ... 1) create a new iso using your wccf but without removing Cortana ... 2) mount again this new iso then just remove Cortana ... 3) it should work; because it worked for me. Please let me know the result, Thanks.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

SOLVED in v2.3.6.0 [ALL] !

Hanyo and kevinnash026,

The component is "Multimedia - Speech" ... I will fix it and I will release a new version today bounce

Thank you very much for your reports !


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

When Cortana isn't removed Windows Serach works, as expected. When Cortana is removed in a second step it's working as well, unexpected.

So there is a dependence on the order of the removal. How can you explain that?

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

This is a normal behavior because another component is involved ("Multimedia - Speech") as mentioned in m my previous post.

So, if you use your wccf to create a new ISO without removing only "Multimedia - Speech", search will work ... but if you remove "Multimedia - Speech" from the first ISO, search will not work.

Anyway, it will be fixed in few hours.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

Hello  Winterstorm2050 , 

Search is running smoothly with the new version v2.3.6.0. in  both 19H2 and 20H1  ( Modern UI Apps Cortana and Multimedia - Speech removed ) .

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.3.2.0] [19H2] Something breaks Windows Search

OK, great news ... thanks for the feedback !
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