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Apps and system apps safe to be removed

6 posters

descriptionApps and system apps safe to be removed - Page 2 EmptyRe: Apps and system apps safe to be removed

Yes, if I put the WinReducer's unattend file in an untouched ISO I have the same problem which is being unable to create a local account after ignoring all the other annoying steps (including ignoring the online account creation).

I think it's precisely those entries that NTLite has that enable me to create a local account while not having the online account option available bellow the screen.

descriptionApps and system apps safe to be removed - Page 2 EmptyRe: Apps and system apps safe to be removed

ah ok,

i mentioned several more options here:

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im sure winter will add more options in the future

descriptionApps and system apps safe to be removed - Page 2 EmptyRe: Apps and system apps safe to be removed

It would be better if you add those options in the program itself.

descriptionApps and system apps safe to be removed - Page 2 EmptyRe: Apps and system apps safe to be removed

I only used WinReducer (and didn't even use autounattend in NTLite or WinReducer) and unchecked the "Optimizations - ISO - Delete Unneeded Files" option and it still deletes the folders and files. How can I prevent this?

EDIT: I couldn't install Windows in Hyper-V. It said: 

We couldn't install Windows in the location you chose. Please check your media drive. Here's more infor about what happened: 0x80042425

EDIT 2: It looks like it's caused by setting off the Optimize ISO Size option and I can install Windows in Hyper-V.

EDIT 3: Now I checked all the desired options and again I can't install Windows in Hyper-V (I have the same error as before).

EDIT 4: I unchecked the ISO - Boot - Clean Boot Wim option and now I can install Windows 10 in Hyper-V but because of that my ISO is bigger since some files weren't removed.

EDIT 5: I still have the infinite loading in Hyper-V while installing Windows 10 in the "Preparing" part (I don't know if it's called this way since I'm not trying to install an english version of it)!
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