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descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyClear tutorial winreducer 8.1

Hi there, 

i'm new here en want to use winreducer to make my own image. 
i have installed the program and it runs fine , but there ars so many options en switches so i dont know what to do and what must be switched on or off. 
so my question is is there a very clear tutorial that explains every button in the program? 
hope somone can help me . 

greetz Bennie

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

This post by @caphp  is a good starting point


descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

THX i will try this ..

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

or you could read the .pdf files which are in the winreducer Folder, there should be a tutorial with Pictures there.

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

this is a start for me , but its not explain what every botton do. i hoped there was a torturial that explained all buttons so i could understand the function of the buttons.

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

Dear friend,
If the user manuals/tutorials @Winter has provided, or the other helpful advice on this forum are not sufficient, then this may not be a project you want to be using at the moment.
You could of course just try to work things out for yourself - you might be surprised what you learn when you just 'have a go'.

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

thanks for your reaction, i just tryed it and i learn some thing and i will go on. 
 thanks again.

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

for some reason the updates are not intergrated, i select the map UPDATES , guess thats the good one?

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

Can you download the updates whit winreduser? If not try to download them manual
y. And use update list.

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1

If the user manuals/tutorials @Winter has provided, or the other helpful advice on this forum are not sufficient, then this may not be a project you want to be using at the moment.

That is a very poor response and attitude. It is also the problem with many of those independently written programs. RT7 Lite and nLite are also good examples. No one should have to scourer all over for bits and pieces of a puzzle. 

We all are not software engineers that write code for a living. You can't and shouldn't assume everyone else is, or nearly is. While it may be acceptable to assume the user has a basic understanding of the process, but to ecpect each and every detail to be known is ridiculous. 

From what I have seen so far (and I have use those other programs for some time) what I see here is terribly lacking. Video tutorials are worthless. I have little interest to watch someone typing on a screen to attempt to convey a message.  Mad

descriptionClear tutorial winreducer 8.1 EmptyRe: Clear tutorial winreducer 8.1


I do understand, that the WinReducer Software are not easy to understand for newbies. I'm working actively on this part, and this should change in a near future ... but there is no reason to claim that I do not want to help you ! The forum exists to help you in these tasks.

Please consider, that we are all doing everything we could in our free time to help people as fast as we can.

So please be all a little more comprehensive to understand that the software is also capable to answer to millions of different needs and/or configurations. But some times in a particular use, it simply does not work !

Thank you very much for your understanding !

Have a good day my friends !
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