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description[ANSWERED]vpn Empty[ANSWERED]vpn

which component or driver is needed to use vpn connection i am trying to set up vpn but error arise that this connection is not avvaiable beacuse there is a problem with yout modem or network adapter

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn


Please keep your writing 'normal size'.  Large writing, or writing written all in capital letters is not good practise for communication.

It would help you to investigate some of these problems yourself - do a bit of searching around on this forum, or on the Internet.
Failing that, trial and error may help to work out your problem.  See what happens when you don't remove certain drivers, or these components:
Features:  Remote Access Connection  (Keep)
Components:  Remote Applications  (Keep)
Components:  Remote Desktop Connection  (Keep)
If that doesn't help, try keeping more drivers/components relating to networking.


description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

Brittech i dnt understant what u want to say i think my all the words are in small letters and i also dnt change my keyborad setting n oh yah m posting and replying from mobile so i think the mobile typing size is slightly large

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn


Could you please just edit the size of your text in the forum of your first post ... Wink  ... "That's all folks !"

Thanks and have a nice day my friends ! Smile

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

hello again m trying to setup win vpn and i also keep many drivers and servcis and components becuase dnt have enough knowledgs about that can any one tell me the exact driver/component/services becuase youtube is block in my country so to use toutube i must have vpn i totly make my win with winreducer so the one thing is missing that i also want to keep vpn so please help me 99% my winreducer window is ready if i also able to use vpn then my win is 100% complete

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

thanx in advance

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

hi winterstorm i need ur help my iso is 99% ready know my goal is to get vpn and i dont have enough knowledge that which component or driver is require to use i try to keep some drivers and components and also keep all networs so if i success to get totly working vpn my iso is ready to use so please tell me the ecact driver/component/services which is required to use vpn

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn


if your iso is near 99% ready i would try this:

start an NEW removing process with an untouched iso (so like if you start from 0)

than load your preset file (your 99% .wccf),

and deselect all Services and components at Remove, let WinReducer only remove FEATURES

than test your iso if vpn works

if yes -> load that iso without the Features and load again your 99% preset, now deselect all Services again and about 50% of components at remove.
test again

and so on and so on,

if vpn does not work with your test iso, get one step back and try to find what component is causing your problem

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

the same problem

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

hi ylx,

just look here:

it worked for zesh_ii

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

KrX wrote:
hi ylx,

just look here:

it worked for zesh_ii

thanks sunny

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

KrX wrote:
hi ylx,

just look here:

it worked for zesh_ii

yes,it works.

description[ANSWERED]vpn EmptyRe: [ANSWERED]vpn

ylx wrote:
KrX wrote:
hi ylx,

just look here:

it worked for zesh_ii

yes,it works.

good to hear that Very Happy
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