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description[ANSWERED] driver integrate Empty[ANSWERED] driver integrate

hi i have installed all drivers to my labtop so i  want to know if i backup drivers with double drivers and integrate with winreducer its enoug for drivers?
 and what does mean by unsigned driver support option in winreducer/sytem/integrate
system tab / winreducerducer post installation tab ..what does mean by oem and obbe

description[ANSWERED] driver integrate EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] driver integrate


1 - Yes, then you need to choose your drivers folder in which you saved them

2 - "unsigned driver support" are the opposite of "signed drivers" = we could explain this by officially and validated by MS to support Windows 8.1. So "unsigned drivers" should be reserved to testing purpose because there are like beta drivers. Always prefer WHQL drivers = signed drivers !

3 - OEM or OOBE are 2 different methods to launch executable files (*.exe, *.msi, ...) during Windows installation. The most powerful is OEM, but the easiest is OOBE, because WinReducer could assist you create it

Best Regards.

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