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WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05

12 posters

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05


Sorry, what main problem ? Your screenshots show the same thing : trouble with language file ... so could you please describe more, what is your "main"  problem ... thank you ! Smile

Or have you tried to delete your previous installation folder and recreate it entirely using the zip package ?

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05


Please look on the first screenshot and check debug info. you will see that problem connect with net.framework. This message i see everytime when program start. i checked on two PC..

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05

I am having trouble using wim converter on a new ISO. I have been using an ISO with the June 2014 updates already integrated, and I was using the core X64 edition, and I did not have any issues.

Now I am using an ISO with the Nov 2014 updates (update 3) installed, and I am using the X64 pro edition from it. The reduction process goes well. But I am unable to use wim converter and convert it to esd. I end up getting a 1 kb esd file, which obviously does not work.

Any idea what could be going wrong? I'm using wim converter v1.05.

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05

I'm not sure what your problem is, but if nothing else maybe the next version will fix your problem?  I always download my iso's from MSDN.

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05

myclodel wrote:
I'm not sure what your problem is, but if nothing else maybe the next version will fix your problem?  I always download my iso's from MSDN.

I am using the MSDN ISO released on the 15th. I didn't get it from MSDN, but it's the same, untouched and unmodified.

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05

Oh, for duck's sake! I forgot my own post on the first page, regarding pagefile. Evil or Very Mad

I enabled a pagefile, and all is well now. Except that I feel stupid.

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05


You are not stupid my friend, far from it ... Wink ... and maybe this could be a great idea if I will include in v2.00+ a page file detection ... what you think ?

Maybe temporary activated it during process to avoid the manual manipulation ?

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05

Is it possible for WR wim converter to enable a pagefile automatically? Since it's a system setting, wouldn't it require some user input or confirmation? In any case, at least a pagefile detection and error message (about absence of pagefile) should be provided by WRWC.

Maybe most users have a pagefile by default. I avoid it because I'm space constrained on my SSD.

descriptionWinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05 - Page 2 EmptyRe: WinReducer Wim Converter - v1.05

Hello aymamalz,

I've tried to create a paging file automatically but the problem is the same as in windows : you need to restart your computer to activate it.

So, I will inform users by a message (and should create a website tutorial on how to activate it manually) ! Because I'm agree with you most people don't desactivate it, and do not experience such troubles.

I'm like you, using an SSD, and I disable pagefile with WinReducer 8.1 (of course !) ... so I also experienced this bug !

And I would like to tell that I almost finish WRWC v2.00, and it will be a wonderful conversion software with plenty of new functionnalities !

But schhhhuuuut ... there will be new information really soon, maybe today ... Wink

Happy Holidays my friend !
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