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descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI?

Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?

descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyRe: Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?

Hello and welcome,

I've made some research and it's possible but, for the moment you can't connect to the desktop. So I must answer you : that's not possible ...

BUT, I'm working on a possible solution to avoid completely Modern UI screens !

New information in the next weeks ...  Wink 

descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyRe: Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?

You can kinda deactivate it post-install. By removing apps trought powershell (if any left). And use startmenu alternatives like classic shell And also use boot to desktop instead of boot to metro.
I know it's not the same as deactivating or removing, but it's the closest i've come to deactivating.

descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyRe: Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?


Yes, and WinReducer could enable, disable or remove, for you, all unneeded Modern UI Apps !

But I'm working on completely hide the Modern UI interface screens so this will help us to remove all Modern UI according files to save even more space !!


descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyRe: Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?

I hope that will solve partial removing  as it not working on a french x64 version


Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI? LoIFvUH0RPQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

after removal kitchen  and health with the modern UI removal

Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI? WNGefWKtrXMCwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyRe: Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?


This is a know bug, but for the moment I haven't found a fix !

And all other Modern UI Apps are not removed, they are just hidden in the Start Screen (aka in French "Accueil") ... You just need to, at least for the moment, pin them manually from the Software screen to the Start screen ...  Wink 


descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyRe: Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?

Thanks good luck for searching for a fix

if you cannot find one
replace the removal of specific UI by addition

descriptionCan I remove or deactivate Metro UI? EmptyRe: Can I remove or deactivate Metro UI?

If I remember correctly you can remove them completely from Powershell (run as admin)
Type: Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
To remove all metro apps and type: Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –online
To stop them getting installed on new users.
Though, this is a post install solution for whatever remains.
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