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description[SOLVED]  v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working Empty[SOLVED] v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working


First thanks for your great work.
I want to be short (my last post was deleted : too long, and I did not save it before :(my bad)

I'm working on Windows 7 SP1 x64 deployment in my company.
I want to integrate the software wpkg-gp inside.

To do this I use this WinReducerPI.cmd:


for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i:
if not defined CDROM goto :eof
echo Detected CDROM as drive %CDROM%

Color F0

@echo  **********     Welcome     **********
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Wpkg-GP-0.17_x64.exe"  /S /INI "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Wpkg-GP.ini"

Both file are present in the ISO (the .exe and .ini). But after installing Windows I can't see wpkg-gp on the computer.
Finally I discover that Windows 7 will run %WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd automatically. So, just before the ISO creation, I manually create the Scripts directory inside WORK\MOUNT\<windows>\%WINDIR%\Setup\ (not the boot's mount) and move/rename WinReducerPI.cmd to SetupComplete.cmd.

Now It's working even if I did not see the command running.

I use WinReducer 7.0 - v2.99.4.1 on a Windows 7 x64 computer.
I'm not sure if what I do is what WinReducer try to do but it works this way.

Best regards,
Fabien Romano

description[SOLVED]  v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working EmptyRe: [SOLVED] v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working

Just in case you didn't already know, you can always use $OEM$ folder for such tasks, instead of adding files directly to the wim file.
Read more about it on:

In short - just make sure to have following folders on installation disc/iso file: ..\sources\$OEM$\$$\
P.S. Everything from $$ folder is copied to WINDOWS directory on destination drive, from $1 to Windows patition root etc - so, e.g. create ..\sources\$OEM$\$$\setup\ and put setupcomplete.cmd in there and there you go, no need to mess with mounted wim file.

Much simpler and more flexible solution.

description[SOLVED]  v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working EmptyRe: [SOLVED] v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working

Thanks for the hint.
I did know this folder but wasn't aware of how it works. I will go in this direction for now.

I still have a question, how is suppose to work the OOBE Configuration in WinReducer and why it does not work for me ?

Maybe I did a mistake during the configuration. As you said $OEM$ is the recommended way to integrate such modification so I think it's how WinReducer do it. I will try to create an empty $OEM$ folder in case the process need it to install the WinReducerPI.cmd inside and also it's registry modifications.

Are there other users with the same problem or am I alone ?

description[SOLVED]  v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working EmptyRe: [SOLVED] v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working

Hello and sorry for my late answer,

I've tried the WinReducer OOBE tool and it seems to be a little buggy ... So don't worry I will fix it in the next v2.99.6.0 (Beta) build, which will be, by the way, available the 22 June 2014 ! 

Best Regards.

Very Happy

description[SOLVED]  v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working EmptyRe: [SOLVED] v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working

FIXED in v2.99.6.0 !

description[SOLVED]  v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working EmptyRe: [SOLVED] v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working


description[SOLVED]  v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working EmptyRe: [SOLVED] v2.99.4.1 - Winreducer OOBE Configuration not working

I confirm that v2.99.6.0 fix the problem.
Thanks a lot.
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