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description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal Empty [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

When i remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps, only keep Immersive Control Panel,Lockscreen SlideShow,Slide to Shutdown,Windows Java Script,Windows Visual C++ Runtime. then install the comodo firewall and reboot my window8.1 x64 pro with update,Desktop turns black, Menus and icons are not displayed,Can not operate anything,the system can not use.  
But keep Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps,system is ok.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

I ask a questions to comodo's Forum on this issue,get an Reply:

So i think this maybe a bug on winreducer81 ver1.10.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

Hi zzony,

ok, you use a comodo product and this product needs the communication application for modern ui.
If this product needs this component, simply keep it - but why should this be a bug in winreducer ?

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

I think this maybe a bug ,just maybe. And comodo's Forum Staff have done test and clear reply.You can read i think this maybe a bug on winreducer81 ver1.10.
I've done three or more tests, other settings same, only this one difference.system down.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

I read the forum thread before and noticed, that the user "jhkmaster" says "I tried to follow this steps...".
At this time, he did not know, the you used winreducer to make your changes, so his tests can not be the same as yours.

What I was trying to say before - winreducer removes components from your image, but programs maybe need exactly this component or a part of it you removed before. This behavior is pretty normal.

If you used your comodo version and winreducer version before v1.10 and comodo works, I would also think, there could be a bug.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

The comodo's Forum Staff "jhkmaster" just test whether comodo firewall need that component "Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps".The tool does not require the same.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

I had test winreducer 1.06 1.08 1.10 with comodo firewall ver 7.0.317799.4142,all same result.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

So, to my mind, this seems to be normal. Comodo needs it, so keep it and don't remove the component.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal


I'm absolutely agree with caphp, because sometimes in our own reducing attempts, we can't do everything we want !

So, for specific software we need to keep some specific WinReducer components or Windows files ! We don't have any other choice ...

Have a nice day !

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

Thanks for your help and your software.
This will help others who use comodo firewall.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

Yes, exactly and this why I added this in the "WinReducer Database Information" in the website !

Thank you for your sharing ...  Smile

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

I have the same issue with black screen, but using Winreducer current version removing Communication Applications not break Comodo Firewall. I have removed with several others components and work fine.
Here trying to figure what component break Comodo Firewall. I has removed all less Control Panels and Comodo Firewall work perfectly, but after of removing components from Acessories Control Panels Comod Firewall break with the black screen.
Creating more another ISO with some itens of Control Panel section to figure what is the item that break Comodo Firewall.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

My last ISO removed some Control Panels components not break Comodo Firewall. The only section that has components to remove is Control Panel.
Now creating another ISO removing more some Control Panels components :
- Action Center.
- Credential Manager.
- Indexing.
- Parental Controls.
- Secure Startup.
- Storage.
- Sync Center.
- Workspace.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal


Excellent method Augusto !

Let me know which one is responsible ...

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

I have created more of 30 ISOs for testing. When I figure what is component that really break Comodo Firewall I post the preset. Perhaps is Control Panels Storage and Workspace and if yes is because of some DLLs.
In my tests :
- Disk Quota break ZoneAlarm.
- Application Experience Service break Paragon Partition Manager setup install and perhaps others setup using Installshield.
- ICS and Firewall break Connectify.
- App Readiness Service and Windows Store not break Immersive Control Panel.
- Windows Error Reporting Service not break Local Temporary Folder and Windows Temporary Folder.

Installing now another system.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal


I hope you are using a virtual software (like vmware player or virtualbox) ?

This is really interesting because all your discovery could be added in the "winreducer database" website ... Please let me know if you find something, and I will update the database list ! Smile

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

Start using a DVD and USB with Winreducer Windows. After first setup screen DVD is removed and the setup will continue installation using USB.
Installing using another disk partition. Is more fast than using vmware ;-)
Creating more another ISO. The last Comodo Firewall work perfectly.
All my ISO has several components removed and in my last was removed in Control Panel :
- Action Center.
- Credential Manager.
- Indexing.
- Parental Controls.
- Storage.
If Comodo Firewall works fine will has more two to remove :
- Secure Startup.
- Workspace.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

Finally an installation with Comodo Firewall break with black screen.
ISO was removed very much components. Had removed Secure Startup and Workspace and not had breaked the login screen.
After had just Internet Explorer and Themes to remove. That strange after of remove Themes break Comodo Firewall. Had all to be some component in Control Panel, but not was. Not has more another components to remove than Internet Explorer and Themes.
After using another system I had manually added from an Windows installation to the last Windows Reducer installed system the Cursors, media files and themes to correct folders and had restarted and not had fixed the black screen.
I see that has some DLLs and folders in Windows\SystemResources\ that was removed after of selected themes.
Now Creating another ISO just selecting in THEMES Lockscreen, Themes and Wallpapers.
I wait to be Lockscreen.
Another strange detail is that if removing Application Experience Service the AppReadiness service is installed.

description [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] remove Communication Applications from Modern UI Apps Cause comodo firewall abnormal

Themes Lockscreen break Comodo Firewall.
Now creating perhaps the last ISO removing Internet Explorer and Control Panels Windows Defender and some tweaks options enabled.
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