Every time someone uses win reducer on a certain windows image and produces output, output sizes could be logged and sent to winreducer support for analysis. That could in the end result in size/presets ratio. That is, it would be possible to calculate the size of reduction by removed component.
It is not as simple as that, but every preset, even with adding updates, does remove and add actual number of files of some size. This could be well analized and in the end could bring us to exact numbers of possible size reduction per copmonent. The advantage is that it can be logged using user uploaded data, not lab testing component by component.
It is not as simple as that, but every preset, even with adding updates, does remove and add actual number of files of some size. This could be well analized and in the end could bring us to exact numbers of possible size reduction per copmonent. The advantage is that it can be logged using user uploaded data, not lab testing component by component.