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description[ANSWERED] integrating "updates" include all the Visual C++ Runtimes? Empty[ANSWERED] integrating "updates" include all the Visual C++ Runtimes?

I guess this is a 2 part question:
1.  If i choose the integration->updates option does that include any visual c++ runtimes in the UPDATES folder? 
2.  If yes, then is there a way to check that they were successfully integrated after i install and run the Win8.1 image on a virtual machine?

description[ANSWERED] integrating "updates" include all the Visual C++ Runtimes? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] integrating "updates" include all the Visual C++ Runtimes?

Just checking if you still need help with this problem?

The c++ runtimes I have are in .exe format, e.g. vcredist2010_x86.exe, which I don't think can be integrated this way.

What format are your runtimes in??

description[ANSWERED] integrating "updates" include all the Visual C++ Runtimes? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] integrating "updates" include all the Visual C++ Runtimes?

you need to add those .exe files under

system -> windows post install -> oobe

maybe you will need a silent parameter so it will be installed without user interaction
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