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descriptionSlimming Windows 7 down... BAREBONE EmptySlimming Windows 7 down... BAREBONE


The ISO I'm working with is a 64-bit English Windows 7 Professional N with SP1 (en_windows_7_professional_n_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677207.iso). The initial install.wim size is 2.43 GB.

You're going to need 6 things:

  1. vLite
  2. RT7-Lite
  3. GImageX
  4. WinReducer 7
  5. RT7-Booster
  6. wimfltr

Install vLite, RT7-Lite, and the wimfltr. Fire up RT7-Lite, mount your untouched extracted ISO on an easy to access location, and check the Components tab. Go in there, and check everything but these:

Slimming Windows 7 down... BAREBONE Untitl16

Click on Apply, select "Build current image only", and click on Commit. While RT7-Lite is working, fire up regedit.exe. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fusion and create a new DWORD value called "DisableCacheViewer" and give it a value of 1. Go to your easy to access location, open the "RT_Mount" folder, open "Windows", open "assembly", and do a Shift+Supr on the two folders named "NativeImages...".

Wait until RT7-Lite finishes. Once it is finished, your install.wim file will be around 1.01 GB. Close RT7-Lite, and fire up GImageX. Select the Apply tab, select your newly created install.wim file as the source, create a folder in the Desktop and select it as the destination, and click on Apply. When it's done, go to the Capture tab, select the folder you created in the Desktop as the source, select where you want to save your new install.wim as the destination, select the Maximum compression, un-check Verify, un-check "Show exclusions and wimscript.ini in output", and click on Create.

When that's done, replace the old install.wim file in your sources folder with the one GImageX just created, and replace the boot.wim file you currently have with an untouched one. Fire up vLite, click on "I agree", click on Install, and browse for your source folder. Go to the Tasks tab, and check the Components option. Go to the components tab, and click on Cancel on the window that appears. Next, you're going to check the following components:

  • In Accessories: Inbox Games, Premium Inbox Games
  • In Drivers: Lumanate, Inc.
  • In Hardware Support: Modem Support, Printer Support, Smartcards, TV Tuner support, Windows Image Acquisition
  • In Network: Distributed File System (DFS), File and printer sharing (Server), Internet Information Services (IIS), Link-Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD), Network and Sharing Center, Quality of Service (QoS), Remote Desktop and Assistance, RIP Listener, Simple TCPIP services, Telnet Client, Telnet Server, TFTP Client
  • In Services: Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC), Remote Registry, WebDAV (WebClient), Windows Remote Management, Windows Time
  • In System: Component Cache (winsxs), Crash Dump Support, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Jet Database Engine, Manual Install (Setup.exe), Microsoft Client For NFS, Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ), Performance Counters, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (Shimgvw)

DON'T CHECK ANYTHING ELSE HERE. Click on Apply, click on No to the windows that appear, select "Rebuild one", and click on OK. Wait until the process is done. Your install.wim should be now around 0.74 GB. You'll see that the setup.exe is gone from your sources folder. Put it back in, because it is needed.

More to come next...

descriptionSlimming Windows 7 down... BAREBONE EmptyRe: Slimming Windows 7 down... BAREBONE

Just removing from the 'unanswered' group
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