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description[ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated? Empty[ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated?

Hey winterstorm2050!

First of all: Thank you for your great program, I really appreciate it and can't wait for the final version! Very Happy

My question is this: During the process of your software, when and how do you implement the various Registry Tweaks offered?

I'm asking because I have quite a few more Registry settings I would like to implement (context menu entries for certain file types, SendTo settings, etc.), but I'm trying to avoid having to use a OOBE script, and I am sure that whatever Winreducer does automatically can also be done by hand with some CMD skills Smile
I assume it will involve hacking some files in "\WORK\MOUNT\TEMP_Windows" just between the Reducing step and the Image creating step, but I hope to get an answer by the master himself [ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated? Worthy

Thank you Very Happy

description[ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated?

I think WinReducer sort of 'mounts' the image registry hives into your own registry. Is this correct, Winter?

While WinReducer is working, run regedit.exe and look for something called "WIM_Users" in your registry. I think that's the way WinReducer does it Very Happy.

description[ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated?

Hello mannik77,

All WinReducer Tweaks are integrated during the component remover process pass, but it's not safe to integrate yours during this pass ...

So Billybully is right, all registry hives are available in your own registry when you get finished mounting your windows image (= when you see component remover choices window). But you need to adapt your cmd file to match the specific hives name created by WinReducer.

But as it has been requested sometimes ago, I will integrate soon a new customization tool to help you easily integrate your own registry tweaks !  Wink

description[ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How are registry tweaks integrated?

Thank you billybully and winterstorm2050! Smile

Alright, then I'll probably just wait until this feature is available - looking forward to it Smile
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