To user that i like include your favorite aplications inside disk installation.
Push on folder "sources" in your disk installation of Windows 8.1
where you created the special file SetupComplete.cmd, how can you
see en the next example.
Create folder $OEM$ with the next path:
set key=hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runonceex
::Mozilla Firefox
reg add %key%\010 /ve /d "Installing Mozilla Firefox" /f
reg add %key%\010 /v 1 /d "msiexec.exe /i "%systemdrive%\apps\firefox.msi" /qn" /f
::Adobe Flash Player
reg add %key%\012 /ve /d "Installing Adobe Flash Player" /f
reg add %key%\012 /v 1 /d "%systemdrive%\apps\adobeplayer.exe /install" /f
timeout /t 120
shutdown -r -t 0
Push on folder "sources" in your disk installation of Windows 8.1
where you created the special file SetupComplete.cmd, how can you
see en the next example.
Create folder $OEM$ with the next path:
set key=hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runonceex
::Mozilla Firefox
reg add %key%\010 /ve /d "Installing Mozilla Firefox" /f
reg add %key%\010 /v 1 /d "msiexec.exe /i "%systemdrive%\apps\firefox.msi" /qn" /f
::Adobe Flash Player
reg add %key%\012 /ve /d "Installing Adobe Flash Player" /f
reg add %key%\012 /v 1 /d "%systemdrive%\apps\adobeplayer.exe /install" /f
timeout /t 120
shutdown -r -t 0