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descriptionSOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL] EmptySOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL]

Hello guys Smile

A new version is available ...



* EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 - 24 May 2024
* Dev. Branch : [ALL]
* Dev. Level : [Stable]
- NEW : EX-110 : "Tweaks - Taskbar - Hide Widgets"
- NEW : EX-110 : Official Windows 11 24H2 support (Dev build : 26120)
- UPDATE : -
FIX : EX-70 : Error with screen resolution using DPI higher than 100%
FIX : EX-80 : Error with screen resolution using DPI higher than 100%
FIX : EX-81 : Error with screen resolution using DPI higher than 100%
FIX : EX-100 : Error with screen resolution using DPI higher than 100%
FIX : EX-110 : Error with screen resolution using DPI higher than 100%
FIX : EX-110 : "Tweaks - Taskbar - Disable Search Icon"
- REMOVE : -



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descriptionSOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL] EmptyRe: SOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL]

Thank you sir, I am really excited when you release the new version.

descriptionSOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL] EmptyRe: SOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL]

Hello winterstorm2050,

 Any reason "DiSM" didn't UPDATED? and "Windows Search" for WinReducerEX70 (v3.9.4.0) didn't FiXED?
Screenshot :

LogFile :

Hope the help and have a great day. Smile
 pS : Creative Learning by Doing, Slowly but Do iT Cool's

descriptionSOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL] EmptyRe: SOFTWARE - EX-Series - v3.9.5.0 [ALL]

more_horiz work with 24h2 26100 but the Accessibility tools removed not all but remain shortcut on startmenu.. Is a bug?
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