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description[SOLVED] [EX-110-v3.9.1.0] #Unattended NOT WORK Empty[SOLVED] [EX-110-v3.9.1.0] #Unattended NOT WORK

i've always get result "Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation."
*if not used "AutoUnattend.xml" then Windows Setup stuck on "Let's connect you to a network. You'll need an internet connection to continue setting up your device". there no [Skip] option for continue the installation.
Screenshot :

after re-trying and googling, finally it solved and correction about the caused,
 i'd assuming that "Windows Updates Files Cleanup (light or Complete)" it seem break Unattended Windows setup installation".


<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - Windows Updates Files Cleanup (Complete)" Selected="false" Value="" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - Windows Updates Files Cleanup (Light)" Selected="false" Value="" />

 here's the latest AutoUnattend, dism.log, WinReducer preset and log file:
 - File : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].3.7-1.15.50_EX110_v3.9.1.0_NoEDGE.wccf.dism.log.7z (
Screenshot EDGE :

 - File : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].3.7-20.7.43_EX110_v3.9.1.0_EDGE.wccf.dism.log.7z (
Screenshot EDGE :

DiFF :

 - File : AutoUnattend for Win11 (FiX UAC).7z (
it also fix "Tweaks" - "System - Disable User Account Control (UAC) :

Hope the help
pS : Creative Learning by Doing, Slowly but Do iT Cool's

description[SOLVED] [EX-110-v3.9.1.0] #Unattended NOT WORK EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-110-v3.9.1.0] #Unattended NOT WORK

Hello home7ech,

Thank you very much for your detailed report ... for sure, MS is working fast to modify a lot of things in Windows ... I will fix this.
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