The WinReducer Forum
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descriptionFORUM - v5.5.0.0 [ALL] EmptyFORUM - v5.5.0.0 [ALL]

Hello guys Smile

A new update is available for the WinReducer Forum :


1 - NEW :



2 - UPDATE :

Add the new official WinReducer Forum logo
"VIP" : The VIP Forum part is closed and not available anymore (VIP members keep their golden color)
"WINREDUCER PLUGINS" : Add a redirection link to the WinReducer Store which will be the official sharing system for all WinReducer Plugins by using the "FORUM+" page
"WINREDUCER SOFTWARE" : Remove the description for WinReducer Dev-Core and WinreducerOS


3 - FIX :



4 - REMOVE :



Feel free to discover this new content and If you want to share your point of view, please be free to post it in this discussion Smile


descriptionFORUM - v5.5.0.0 [ALL] EmptyRe: FORUM - v5.5.0.0 [ALL]

Lightly update the software, I need substance

descriptionFORUM - v5.5.0.0 [ALL] EmptyRe: FORUM - v5.5.0.0 [ALL]

Hello j0912hq7 Smile

The big upgrade part for the website, forum and store will be finished later today with the release of the new WinReducer Store website.

So, after this, I will have more time to update the EX-SERIES and the updates catalog ... and to release the new WinReducer Software.

Thank you very much for your patience, it was much appreciated.

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