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description[IMPLEMENTED] [EX-110 - v3.9.1.0] [Windows 11 Pro 64bit 23H2] Turn off autocorrect misselled words Empty[IMPLEMENTED] [EX-110 - v3.9.1.0] [Windows 11 Pro 64bit 23H2] Turn off autocorrect misselled words

Hi Winterstorm,

there is a reg key to disable the autocorrection of misspelled words:



Can you please add it to WinReducer?

Thank you and best regards,

description[IMPLEMENTED] [EX-110 - v3.9.1.0] [Windows 11 Pro 64bit 23H2] Turn off autocorrect misselled words EmptyRe: [IMPLEMENTED] [EX-110 - v3.9.1.0] [Windows 11 Pro 64bit 23H2] Turn off autocorrect misselled words

ADDED in v3.9.2.0 [ALL] !

Thank you very much Markus !

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