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description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken Empty[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken

Remove - Accessories ---> Tablet PC (Engine)

is breaking the SNipping tool. There are 2 faults.

1. the marking tool and the pencil do not work
2.when fault nr 1 is solved the picture gets all black after you draw on it.

to solve those two problems, these 2 registry keys need to be kept:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken

it still a problem in v3.5.3 and can be solved like mentioned above

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken

SOLVED in v3.7.5.0 [ALL !

Thank you very much KrX !


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v3.5.1.0] [Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2] Snipping Tool broken

tested and works with the newerst version
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