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descriptionPROJECT - Status Information - 16 August 2022  [ALL] EmptyPROJECT - Status Information - 16 August 2022 [ALL]

Hello guys Smile

So, as promised few days ago, I'm sharing with you new information about the WinReducer Project evolution due to my personal situation during July 2022 (covid-19) and the resulting delay !


All the work done has been delayed due to a nasty covid-19 which prevented me to work (my family needed me too) ... so please take care of you and your families !

The software evolution I planned to released has been completely modified ... but good news it's just a matter of days to begin releasing the new software and also start to implement new functionalities to use Smile

I decided to take more time to bring very interesting improvements to the WinReducer Software (all details will be available below) before releasing them to you, this is one of the reasons of the schedule changes.

So let's begin with this new detailed Project Status Information !


Some changes have been added especially for EX-Series and ES-Series and a new software "WinReducer DEV-Core" has been added :

- 18 August 2022 : WinReducer EX-100 - Updates Catalog"
- 19 August 2022 : WinReducer EX-110 - Updates Catalog"
- 20 August 2022 : WinReducer EX-Series - v3.5.1 - [ALL]"

- 01 September 2022 : "WinReducerOS - v2022.1.0.3 - [Alpha] - [ALL]"
- 02 September 2022 : "WinReducer EX-Series - v2022.1.0.3 - [Alpha] - [ALL]"
- 03 September 2022 : "WinReducer ES-Series - v2022.1.0.3 - [Alpha] - [ALL]"

- 05 October 2022 : " Website+Forum - 10th Years Anniversary"

- 01 November 2022 : "WinReducer DEV-Core - v2022.1.0.3 - [Alpha] - [ALL]"

- 01 January 2023 : "WinReducer Day"

- 02 January 2023 : "WinReducerOS - v2023.xx.0.0 - [Beta]"
- 03 January 2023 : "WinReducer ES-Series - v2023.xx.0.0 - [Beta]"
- 04 January 2023 : "WinReducer EX-Series - v2023.xx.0.0 - [Beta]"

- 15 June 2023 : "WinReducerOS - v2023.x.0.0 - [Stable]"
- 16 June 2023 : "WinReducer ES-Series - v2023.xx.0.0 [Stable]"
- 17 June 2023 : "WinReducer EX-Series - v2023.xx.0.0 [Stable]"


This will be an essential part of the future WinReducer Project so I would like to introduce you to the new "WinReducer DEV-Core" ("WR_DEV_Core") software !

It will represent the foundations of all the future WinReducer Software ... it will bring a cross software platform to create, modify and share your modules or plugins between all WinReducer Software !

For example, the "WinReducer DEV-Core" software will be used to create the "WR_Plugins" for WinReducer Series (ES and EX) as well as the "WR_Modules" for WinReducerOS Software Smile

The "WR_DEV_Core" will be a powerful software for all WinReducer Software to bring every users the best and efficient customization software solutions : create your own new options, new GUI, new themes, new User Interface, new User eXperience, ...  it will be an easy task to achieve using an easy to use an "Integrated Development Environment" (IDE) named "WinReducer DEV-Core" !

The potential of such tool will be unlimited, and will provide a very easy way to add or create new functionalities to your "WR_Plugins" or "WR_Modules" ... we are at the very beginning of a new step in the Windows Customizations potential : you will get the entire control to the changes you will need ... you will be not only a user of a software but also a creator of content : do not hesitate to UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY !

This "WR_DEV_Core" associated with the exlusive and innovative "WR_MUX_Design" (WinReducer Modular User eXperience Design) will bring you a level of windows customiaztions never seen, in terms of U.I. or U.X. because you will be able to completely create and share your own GUI, UI and UX for your "WR_Plugins" or "WR_Modules" !


As mentioned in the today new WinReducer Schedule, you will begin to discover a completely new WinReducer Software experience on 01,02 and 03 September :

- "WinReducer Series" : this new v2022.1.0.3 will be based on the "WR_DEV_Core" ... so with it, the GUI, UI and UX will be completely modified and your prevoiusly known software experience will be greatly improved compared to the WinReducer Series v3.5.x.x branch. The "WR_MUX_Design" will be also activated so the window behavior will enter in a totally new world with a very natural behavior which will avoid too much movements with your computer mouse to gain a very efficient and productive way to prepare your Windows customization sessions !

- "WinReducerOS" : this new v2022.1.0.3 will be based on the "WR_DEV_Core" ... it will bring a lot of improvements compared to the previous v2022.1.0.3 released last year ! Since last year, I work very hard on WinReducerOS optimizations to prepare a wonderful software experience to share with all of you : entirely reworked for a faster startup and a faster use, bring an efficient realtime software behavior, bring a high level support for window transparency and also a lot of internal changes for every actions created in the integrated "WR_Modules" named "WinReducerOS Control Panel"

==> There will be some differences between "WinReducer Series", "WinReducerOS" and "WinReducer DEV-Core" software :

- "WinReducer Series" : it will be a ready to use software (like the v3.5.x.x), so you will have access to an integrated interface to directly achieve the same tasks like in the previous "v3.5.x.x" with a much integrated GUI Windows look (much more options will be added later) ... but these new "WinReducer Series" will also bring you a very new and innovative experience : "WR_Plugins" support, you will be able to create and share your own GUI, UI and UX software interface to completely modify the official "WinReducer Series" GUI behavior ... this will bring you the most complete and never seen Windows customization experience ever made for such kind of software : you can become an efficient user or become a real developer to propose your own vision of the Windows customization : THE CHOICE WILL BE YOURS !

- "WinReducerOS" : it will be the most amazing experience you will get in terms of Windows customizations ... bring additional options to the Windows Operating System (new desktop, taskbar, explorer, ...) as never been as easy : choose and download a "WR_Modules" from the WinReducer Forum and launch it in WinReducerOS ! Manage your "WR_Modules" easily with the integrated "WinReducerOS Control Panel" Smile

- "WinReducer DEV-Core" : this will be probably the most impressive evolution of the WinReducer Project ... providing you a software which will turn you into a content creator and a developer without coding language knowledges .... to control every aspects of your Windows customizations needs and turn them into something real ! With the most easy and complete "Integrated Development Environment" (IDE) dedicated exclusively to the customization of your Windows Operating System ... based on a WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") approach, no comand line, no line of code, no programming language to learn, no knowledges ... everything will be done with a simple and efficient interface : choose an element to add (button, text, images, ...) then choose a design, and add all actions you want ... create, organize, modify or update these elements as you wish !

==> as you can see, there will be a WinReducer Software for each kind of users or users skills levels : from users who just need to configure a Windows ISO with a ready to use software ("WinReducer Series") ... to users who need to entirely modify the design and aspect of Windows ("WinReducerOS") ... or also users with even more Windows customization needs, and are ready to create a "WR_Plugins" or "WR_Modules" in order to share their creations with the WinReducer Community !


All WinReducer Series software will progressively evolved to an upgraded and uniform interface, closer to a Windows look ... there will be major changes (new interface, new design, new  U.I., new U.X., new removing engine, new functionalities, ...) compared to previous "WinReducer Series - v3.5.x.x" :

- ES-Series : acronym for "Easy and Simple", to achieve live tasks on installed Windows Operating Systems

- EX-Series : acronym for "Expert", to create and/or master your Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and 11 ISO before you will install Windows (Windows 8.0 will not be supported)

- MM-Series : acronym for "Multimedia", to read and convert audio, images and video files using a Media Center graphical user interface

- PR-Series : acronym for "Professional", to create and/or master your Windows Server ISO as well as your MS Office ISO

- ... more will be available in the future !

==> all "Winreducer Series" software will be able to support the "WR_Plugins" in order to upgrade and extend all functionalities or provide a different way to do their respective tasks.


I told you in my previous "WinReducer Project - Status Information - 01 May 2022" that there were many things about it I was not satisfied of ... but good news, it's now behind, so the huge work done since 01 May 2022 have been validated and now provides a much better level of efficiency.

Of course, there will be still a lot of work to do in terms of functionalities ... but nothing will prevent to enter into an operational public phase for the 01 September 2022 release !

==> the "WinReducerOS" software will be able to support the "WR_Modules" in order to upgrade and extend all functionalities or provide a different way to use the Windows Operating System.


I kept this surprise since few months because I splitted the WinReducerOS Editor, I previously mentioned, into a dedicated WinReducer Software in order to provide a much better understandable software environment !

For users who want to create content for all "WinReducer Series" and "WinReducerOS" software, there will be a dedicated WinReducer Software !

The possibility to create your "WR_Plugins" or "WR_Modules" will be only available when the "WinReducer DEV_Core" will be released. I will propose some "WR_Modules" thought Wink

Thank you very much for your patience and your understanding.

==> it required a lot of work and even more work will be needed to enter in an operational public phase ... this is why it will be expected on 01 November 2022 (but this can be subject to a much longer delay) !


All WinReducer Software ("WR_Series, "WROS" and "WR_DEV_Core") will be compatible with :
- Windows 7
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 11


The countdown is  started for all these WinReducer Software for both the Limited Support  (L.S.), the End Of Support (E.O.S.) and the End Of Life (E.O.L.) :

- "EX-80" : L.S. on June 2021 - E.O.S. and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

- "ES - File Validator" : L.S. on 01 January 2023 - E.O.S. and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

- "ES - Logo Changer" : L.S. on 01 January 2023 - E.O.S. and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

- "ES - Wim Converter" : L.S. on 01 January 2023 - E.O.S. and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

- "ES - Wlan B&R" : L.S. on 01 January 2023 - E.O.S.and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

- "EX-70" : L.S. on 01 January 2023 - E.O.S. and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

- "EX-81" : L.S. on 01 January 2023 - E.O.S. and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

- "EX-100" : L.S. on 01 January 2023 - E.O.S. and E.O.L on 15 June 2023

==>  Be careful, the development of all functionalities introduced in these software will be progressively migrated and improved, so they will continue to evolve starting with the "WinReducer Series -  v2022.x.x.x" development branch, they will be simply reorganized differently ! Only the software naming will not be used anymore.


On 05 October 2022, there will be a wonderful event : the 10th birthday of the WinReducer Project official Website and Forum !


Unfortunately, I have a lot of troubles to correctly manage the website and forum ... so I will have to take a decision about this situation. In the meantime, the WinReducerOS software will be available in the Website and Forum.

I'm sorry about this situation and I will continue to inform you about the evolution and potential changes.


I  really want to THANKS all of you for your patience and your respect during these long months, I'm doing my best to provide you the most wonderful and innovative experience for our Windows customization passion !

I wish you to have a nice day and stay safe !



descriptionPROJECT - Status Information - 16 August 2022  [ALL] EmptyRe: PROJECT - Status Information - 16 August 2022 [ALL]


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