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description[EX-100 - v3.5.0.0] [Win10 21H2_release Build 10.0.19044.1288]  Touch keyboard button on tablet not working - solved Empty[EX-100 - v3.5.0.0] [Win10 21H2_release Build 10.0.19044.1288] Touch keyboard button on tablet not working - solved

I can't get the touch keyboard button on the 2:1 tablet to work from the Taskbar. The On-Screen Keyboard with touch works just fine. Also the touchpad button in the taskbar works fine and the screentouchpad works fine.

The removal of the following is disabled:


    <Element Category="Services" Name="Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service" Selected="false" Value="" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator" Selected="false" Value="" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Framework (Input Text Services)" Selected="false" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Control Panels" Name="Control Panel - Tablet PC Settings" Selected="false" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Control Panels" Name="Control Panel - Tablet PC Settings (Files)" Selected="false" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Multimedia" Name="Mobile PC (Engine)" Selected="false" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Multimedia" Name="Mobile PC (Mobility Center)" Selected="false" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Multimedia" Name="Mobile PC (Presentation)" Selected="false" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Multimedia" Name="Mobile PC (Sensors)" Selected="false" />

Would greatly appreciate some help, thanks.

(Screenshot from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] here on the forums)
[EX-100 - v3.5.0.0] [Win10 21H2_release Build 10.0.19044.1288]  Touch keyboard button on tablet not working - solved Bv17om

description[EX-100 - v3.5.0.0] [Win10 21H2_release Build 10.0.19044.1288]  Touch keyboard button on tablet not working - solved EmptyRe: [EX-100 - v3.5.0.0] [Win10 21H2_release Build 10.0.19044.1288] Touch keyboard button on tablet not working - solved

Finally found the issue, it seems the old keyboard was replaced with the new user experience style one. Hence keeping the following make it work fine: (haven't checked if all of them are needed)


    <Element Category="Remove - Accessories" Name="Windows Features" Selected="true" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Accessories" Name="Windows Features On Demand User Experience (FONDUE)" Selected="true" />
    <Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Windows Feature Experience Pack" Selected="true" />
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