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description corrupted icon after install  Empty corrupted icon after install

[EX-100 - v3.1.0.0] corrupted icon. I did a windows 10 1909 pro lite and test on vmware ,i remove most of the component. What option i have to uncheck? this is my wccf preset file:
The icon looks like this: 
 corrupted icon after install  F041854c-7fe9-4be1-a39f-bdbd628be0e1?upload=true

description corrupted icon after install  EmptyRe: corrupted icon after install

This is a easy one. You selected experimental fonts (which you must not).

I will explain a little bit more soon in your other topic.

Best regards,

description corrupted icon after install  EmptyRe: corrupted icon after install

hauser.markus wrote:
This is a easy one. You selected experimental fonts (which you must not).

I will explain a little bit more soon in your other topic.

Best regards,

thank you very much <3
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