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descriptionUnable to uninstall get started perfectly EmptyUnable to uninstall get started perfectly

uupdump 22000 282

Impossible to perfectly streamline get started
Click on the start menu after entering the desktop or there is a get started app
Clicking on Start using within the app will flash back

descriptionUnable to uninstall get started perfectly EmptyRe: Unable to uninstall get started perfectly

Hello j0912hq7 Smile

I'm investigating the troubles with Modern UI Apps components list as well as few potential installation loop ... there will be cleanup improvements and new components (or removed components) with the next version v0.99.0.1 [VIP] as explained in this post :
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I will proceed in the future in a big components cleanup improvements for almost all EX-Series as well as bringing all WinReducer ES-Series and EX-Series a big upgrade to catch the v3.x.x.x development branch ....once this will be done, I will begin to work on v4.x.x.x which should be available on 05 October 2022 Wink

So get ready, for the end of the year, to try and use a long list of [VIP] and [ALL] versions Smile
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