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descriptionEX-100 v. take more time to all process   EmptyEX-100 v. take more time to all process

hello every one i am surfing with time consuming problem.
before some day i am using  EX-100 v. and it was taken for windows 10 customize more than 6 hours 
but i was customized more than 50 windows edition in past  and this software was take only 2 hours for all process 
so friends please help me how to fix it...

thanks in advance ...

descriptionEX-100 v. take more time to all process   EmptyRe: EX-100 v. take more time to all process

Hi tech aarohi,

please follow the steps provided in the following topic:

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Best regards,

descriptionEX-100 v. take more time to all process   EmptyRe: EX-100 v. take more time to all process

Hello guys Smile

Just some additional notes to the excellent Markus list.

Since EX-100 migrated from Net Framework 4.5.2 (outdated) to Net Framework 4.8, with EX-100 v3.0.0.0 ...  there are reports about slow downs during cleaning process and/or creating ISO.

The Net Framework upgrade was necessary due to the lack of future support for Net 4.5.2 by MS.

I tested on my own computer, "EX-100 - v3.0.0.0" a lot of times before releasing it and I also found a tiny slow down during cleaning using my extreme preset ... but only 30 seconds ... on my own computer which is the same since 2015/2016 with the same components and the same SSD. I'm deactivating defender during my cleaning sessions and the additional processing time is really small (non-significant on my computer).

In the other hand, I tested a non-modified Windows 11 with EX-100  in a Virtual Machine with defender activated, few days ago ... and I have to admit that it was very slow, not during the cleaning process ... but during the creation of the ISO. The antivirus was working hard during this last step in the EX-100 ISO mastering ... for security reason I do understand the behavior of the actual generation of antivirus but for our Windows customization passion this can take a very long time.

From the tests I made, the windows services which are working in background and slow downs the whole EX-100 process :
- Windows Defender
- Windows Search (indexing files changes)
==> without them it seems to be very fast with win11
==> this is of course also valid to all operating systems (win7, win8, win10 and win11)

Temporary deactivating the antivirus and windows search is a very good choice to get a much faster process but do not forget the impact of the hardware, for example choosing a ssd instead of a hdd is also an excellent choice ... no need to get a nvme just a simple ssd 2.5" will do the trick.

But do not worry ... I already confirmed that I was working on a complete renew of the removing engine which will be better, faster and stronger to avoid those limitations (at least to limit by much the impact of such slow downs) ... I still need to work on it but this should be available during 2022.

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