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descriptionHelp with Windows 10 services EmptyHelp with Windows 10 services

I would like to disable some Windows 10 services, so I used the one from black viper, then I created my ISO and after installing it does not progress, it remains in "starting services", what is the service that I should not touch?

descriptionHelp with Windows 10 services EmptyRe: Help with Windows 10 services

Hello and welcome edwpat,

In order to help you, you need to add more information about :
- EX-100 version
- EX-100 architecture (x86 or x64)
- Windows ISO architecture (x86 or x64)
- Windows ISO edition (pro, home, ...)
- Windows ISO version (19H1, 20H1, 20H2, 21H1, ...)
- the list of services you activated, or even better if it's possible to share your wccf in the forum

Thank you very much.

PS : if it's an insider build for 21H2, the support is still unofficial (the official iso are not yet released by MS) so using it may introduce troubles (from minors to severe)


descriptionHelp with Windows 10 services EmptyRe: Help with Windows 10 services

ISO version is windows 10 ltsc 2019
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