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descriptionwindows 10 v2004 wireless / wi-fi Emptywindows 10 v2004 wireless / wi-fi

hello, I have been working on a minimalistic iso for the past 2 months. I have everything I need working except for wi-fi. can someone please provide a list of what services/remover-network objects are needed in order for wifi to function properly ? are there certain drivers that need to be kept in order to have wifi work overall ? any assistance is appreciated.


windows 10 v2004
winreducer v

descriptionwindows 10 v2004 wireless / wi-fi EmptyRe: windows 10 v2004 wireless / wi-fi

Hello g-unot,

Could you please check this list made by KrX, which will help to narrow down the potential error :
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descriptionwindows 10 v2004 wireless / wi-fi EmptyRe: windows 10 v2004 wireless / wi-fi

yes i tried that before posting. i followed the recommendations yet none of them worked with V 3..0.0 or 2.9.9. and windows 10 v2004. the wi-fi menu just simply does not appear at all nor does it show up in the immersive panel or control panel. while enabling the option to optimize and clean the update files that actually breaks booting therefore rendering the disc useless. for some reason when cleaning out the update files it deletes or disables the user's ability to boot from the dvd.

also, why does it take so many attempts to log in? i had to try 20 different times to log in. i log in and it just take me right back to the previous screen i was on when trying to log in. the login name and password were coreect every time. i even tried putting in the incorrect password to see what message i would get and it stated it was an incorrect login. something may be wrong with the site or hosting service.
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