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descriptionWinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim EmptyWinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim

hello to all

this file WinReducerEX100PI.cmd is inside install.wim.

Could explain how this is done?

it came from the setup from winreducer \windows posinstall\oobe.

but u dont get how ca be done without winreducer?

tanks for theĀ  help.

Jorge Quintino
WinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim 110WinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim 2png10WinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim 2png10WinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim 110

descriptionWinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim EmptyRe: WinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim


it is just a normal cmd. it is executed by this reg key


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


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descriptionWinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim EmptyRe: WinReducerEX100PI.cmd inside install.wim

well ok

but i now that is rum com reg\ run once etc.

could explain here are caled ?

there is in a xml ou script.

i made so autounattend iso, and i want to framework anh other stuff, after s.o. ( runonce)

i made a scripct on powershell to install framework \ check updates \ and other stuff.

sorry my ingles.


jorge Quintino
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