About Windows Firewall.
Winow Firewall has more than 700 Firewall rules , most of them are hidden
Why do Calculator , camera ,CloudExperienceHost, DesktopAppInstaller,
Photos,ScreenSketch,ShellExperienceHost,Sticky Notes,Solitaire Collection|,
StartMenuExperienceHost, Xbox,YourPhone,ZuneMusic,ZuneVideo and
many more others have direct internet access to windows servers ,
each of them has many direct channels ( min 4 , up to 10, 20 ??) to those servers .
Why is Microsoft doing this ???
For itself in the name of improving programs ???
Probably they sell to advertising firms
Mayby they sell us out to the Us goverment ??
Mayby to the Chinese goverment ??
Who knows??,
Microsoft is not going to tell us the whole story
I have removed Windows Firewall. completedly and replaced it with Tinywall
and this is perfect for me.
Look onto the internet and You will find more Firewalls if this one is not
your choice
Winow Firewall has more than 700 Firewall rules , most of them are hidden
Why do Calculator , camera ,CloudExperienceHost, DesktopAppInstaller,
Photos,ScreenSketch,ShellExperienceHost,Sticky Notes,Solitaire Collection|,
StartMenuExperienceHost, Xbox,YourPhone,ZuneMusic,ZuneVideo and
many more others have direct internet access to windows servers ,
each of them has many direct channels ( min 4 , up to 10, 20 ??) to those servers .
Why is Microsoft doing this ???
For itself in the name of improving programs ???
Probably they sell to advertising firms
Mayby they sell us out to the Us goverment ??
Mayby to the Chinese goverment ??
Who knows??,
Microsoft is not going to tell us the whole story
I have removed Windows Firewall. completedly and replaced it with Tinywall
and this is perfect for me.
Look onto the internet and You will find more Firewalls if this one is not
your choice