Hi guys
i have had a few sleepness nights,but i found out
i could remove CloudExperienceHost completedly exept for one entry
there is a big registry that removes about 90% of the CloudExperienceHost
There is a small registry with 20 items ,
if one of this items is removed then this registry always quits with an error,
also if data of this items is removed.
this happens with my winreduced windows 10,
so to remove those entries, the entries Winreducer removed must be removed out of this directory
But that is not al.
when i worked , tried,saved etc there was always an entry coming back into the big registry,
so i had to verify each time it wasn' t moved there or this big registry crashed and gave an error.
So my conclusion is there is an inner bodyguard into Windows 10 that tries to prevent
messing with Windows 10
This morning 6 o" clock i couln't let it go and investigated again ,
that entry that always came back without any data inside.
Finally i discovered by luck that it has an hidden subkey,not visible the normal way,
xxxxxxxx-hidden-modded00.reg 65,624 10/15/2020 21:16 -a--,
There are 79 items inside
i tried to delete it via registry, this was impossible even under trustedinstaller,
but i finally removed it.
Result : everything is working normally up to now,
i am going to investigate it further
Hi Winterstorm, if You are interest , well contact me.
i have had a few sleepness nights,but i found out
i could remove CloudExperienceHost completedly exept for one entry
there is a big registry that removes about 90% of the CloudExperienceHost
There is a small registry with 20 items ,
if one of this items is removed then this registry always quits with an error,
also if data of this items is removed.
this happens with my winreduced windows 10,
so to remove those entries, the entries Winreducer removed must be removed out of this directory
But that is not al.
when i worked , tried,saved etc there was always an entry coming back into the big registry,
so i had to verify each time it wasn' t moved there or this big registry crashed and gave an error.
So my conclusion is there is an inner bodyguard into Windows 10 that tries to prevent
messing with Windows 10
This morning 6 o" clock i couln't let it go and investigated again ,
that entry that always came back without any data inside.
Finally i discovered by luck that it has an hidden subkey,not visible the normal way,
xxxxxxxx-hidden-modded00.reg 65,624 10/15/2020 21:16 -a--,
There are 79 items inside
i tried to delete it via registry, this was impossible even under trustedinstaller,
but i finally removed it.
Result : everything is working normally up to now,
i am going to investigate it further
Hi Winterstorm, if You are interest , well contact me.