I was wondering if somebody integrate successfully windows Update
the Log say they they were process but the result is the same build as the .iso use
It is OK for X64 process.
I am running under Windows 10 Pro X64 (2004)
.iso was downloaded from https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php
Thanks for the help
I was wondering if somebody integrate successfully windows Update
the Log say they they were process but the result is the same build as the .iso use
It is OK for X64 process.
I am running under Windows 10 Pro X64 (2004)
.iso was downloaded from https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php
Thanks for the help
***** 04/10/2020 01:49:19 - SESSION OPENED *****
INFO : WinReducer ---> EX-100 [v2.3.9.0 (x64)]INFO : ISO Extract --> START = 04/10/2020 01:49:25INFO : ISO Extract --> FINISH = 04/10/2020 01:50:38INFO : Mounting -----> START = 04/10/2020 01:51:01INFO : Mounting -----> START = ISO Mode [Win10_1909_French_x32.iso]INFO : Mounting -----> FINISH = 04/10/2020 01:52:15INFO : Configuring --> START = 04/10/2020 01:52:22INFO : Configuring --> START = Windows Edition [Windows 10.0 Professional (x86) (fr-FR)]INFO : Configuring --> START = Windows Build [10.0.18363.418 (19h2_release)]INFO : Configuring --> START = Preset File Loaded [WinReducerEX100_x64_UEFI-]INFO : Configuring --> START = CPU Thread(s) [8]INFO : Configuring --> START = Removing Speed Profile [Insane]INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:04 1 "System - Integrate - Net Framework 3.5"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 2 "Tweaks - Context Menu - Add Take Ownership (with Pause)"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:02 3 "Tweaks - Explorer - Command Prompt instead of PowerShell"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 4 "Tweaks - Explorer - Hidden Files and Folders (Show)"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 5 "Tweaks - Explorer - Remove 3D Objects from Navigation Pane"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 6 "Tweaks - Explorer - Remove Homegroup from Navigation Pane"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 7 "Tweaks - Explorer - Remove Libraries from Navigation Pane"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 8 "Tweaks - Explorer - Remove OneDrive from Navigation Pane"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 9 "Tweaks - Explorer - Show File Extension"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 10 "Tweaks - Explorer - Show Full Path in Explorer Title Bar"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 11 "Tweaks - Logon - Disable first Sign-In animation"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:01 12 "Tweaks - Modern UI - Apps - Edge - Disable Desktop Shortcut Creation"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 13 "Tweaks - Modern UI - Apps - Edge - Show Favorites Bar"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 14 "Tweaks - Modern UI - Apps - Edge - Show Home Button"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 15 "Tweaks - Modern UI - Apps - OneDrive - Disable OneDrive Integration"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 16 "Tweaks - Modern UI - Reduce Closing Speed for Modern UI Apps"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 17 "Tweaks - Mouse - Set Pointer to Default Button"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 18 "Tweaks - Start Menu - Disable Recommended Modern UI Apps Suggestion"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 19 "Tweaks - System - Disable Automatic Defragmentation"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 20 "Tweaks - System - Disable User Account Control (UAC)"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 21 "Tweaks - System - Improve Shutdown Speed"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 22 "Tweaks - System - Improve Windows Shell Response"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:01 23 "Tweaks - Taskbar - Remove Language Bar"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 24 "Tweaks - Taskbar - Show Clock Seconds"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 25 "Optimizations - ISO - Windows - Delete Unneeded Editions"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:02 26 "Remove - Network - OneDrive"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:01 27 "Appearance - Activate Various Customizations"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 28 "Appearance - Control Panel View"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:00 29 "System - OEM Prepared Folder"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:09 30 "System - OOBE Configuration"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:01 31 "System - Integrate - Updates"INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:11 32 Updates (x86) - Windows (19H2) (1 / 5 - KB04576751-SSU) [100.0%]INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:02 33 Updates (x86) - Windows (19H2) (2 / 5 - KB4497165-v4-Intel) [100.0%]INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:23 34 Updates (x86) - Windows (19H2) (3 / 5 - KB4552931-NET) [100.0%]INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:04 35 Updates (x86) - Windows (19H2) (4 / 5 - KB4561600-FPU) [100.0%]INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 02:50 36 Updates (x86) - Windows (19H2) (5 / 5 - KB4574727-CU.1082) [100.0%]INFO : Configuring --> TIME = 00:15 37 "System - Integrate - Drivers"INFO : Configuring --> FINISH = 04/10/2020 01:57:18INFO : Exporting ----> START = 04/10/2020 01:57:18INFO : Exporting ----> START = WCCF File Backup [WinReducerEX100_2020.10.4-1.59.25.wccf]INFO : Exporting ----> START = ISO Mode [E:\WinReducer\WinReducerEX100_x64\WORK\ISO\WinReducerEX100_x64_UEFI-]INFO : Exporting ----> FINISH = ISO Size [3651214 Kb]INFO : Exporting ----> FINISH = 04/10/2020 02:00:47***** 04/10/2020 02:00:49 - SESSION CLOSED *****