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descriptionWinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install EmptyWinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install


I have a problem. After optimizing the image and installing the system, it is not clear how much space the image takes up on the hard disk. Windows considers the installation to be around 14GB in size. Other programs show 5 - 7GB.

How can I solve the problem so that Windows shows real size?

Optimized install.wim file size: 1,6GB
Optimized image: Windows x64 2004 Pro

WizTree, TreeSize, ets. software view C: HDD all files size: 6,7 GB
Windows C: HDD Properties Used Size: 13,4GB

WinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install OS

WinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install WizTree

descriptionWinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install EmptyRe: WinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install

hi truefriend-cz

C: Proporties is correct
i did a test onto my computer with  total commander & windows proporties see beloc

C: Properties
used space 6,317,957,120 bytes
free space 30,382,198,784 bytes
capacity   36,700,155,904 bytes

Total Commander
Total space occupied:
31,408,669 bytes in 10 file(s),
in 1 directories
(= 30,672k, 29M)

Actual space used (considering cluster size)
on source drive: 31,428,608 Bytes
c:\ :  29,687,252 k of 35,839,996 k free

There is a small difference between the results, but that depends how it is calculated by the programs


descriptionWinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install EmptyRe: WinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install

Yes. Total Commander and others HDD software (Partition Magic, Paragon Partition manager, etc.) show 6GB everything. Windows Explorer 13,4GB only. On same HDD partition.

This is (+-) double space.
This is not feature but this is problem.

descriptionWinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install EmptyRe: WinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install

Ijust opened an old Wiztree, result below

[C:]  - WizTree
total space 34.2 Gb
Space Used 5.9 Gb
Space Free 28.3 Gb

In my case  C: Proporties  ,Total Commander & Wiztree have nearly the same result onto my computer,
calculations differ depending onto program calculation,

i see in drive c: 
Windows directory :                            6.680 Gb
Program Files directory                      5.040 GB.

Program Files (x86) directory            0.095 Gb

users directory                                    0.092 GB
together is this over  12 Gb + the other files & directories is this over 13 Gb
i think everything is ok onto your computer,
the Windows directory with size +-  6.680 Gb is a part of your
windows Operating system with a total size of +- 13.4 GB
I think You mixed up the windows Opêration system with the Windows Directory in drive C

So do not worry, everything seems OK


descriptionWinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install EmptyRe: WinReducer EX-100 - Used space after install

I'm getting sizes from the total size of the C: drive, not individual directories.

Windows Explorer initialize size as 13,4GB
Other apps initialize as 6,6GB

This problem have after apply Reduce WinSxS (Expert) from wim image.
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