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Guide to Create a Micro 10

9 posters

descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyGuide to Create a Micro 10

As requested by rydeordie99, i am here by elaborating a guide on how to strip down Windows 10 further after using Winreducer Micro 10 Stable Config ( this config aims to keep the Windows 10 visually same as stock & doesn't customize, as i can't cater different tastes of end users who uses my config. So i kept it simple with stock look & feel, well you as an end user can customize according to your taste).

Pre requisites:

1. WinReducer latest version

2. Use my Micro 10 Winreducer Config based on your needs 

3. Legolash2o's Win toolkit for using Wim Manager to mount the install wim for hand pick deletion of system dll's ( Thank god Winreducer reduced my hard work in creating a Micro version ages since 2008 the days of Windows Vista where i used to hand pick each every folder from winsxs to program files, in those days there was only 1 software Vlite from nuhagic which is used to break lot of stuff in Vista & later Windows 7, somewhere in 2012 i guess we got RT7Lite which was painstakingly slow, then i created bat files for automatic removal of features from mounted install wim to reduce my work load, good old memories Neutral . Till date WinReducer is the only software which reduces or strips down Winsxs in my style and resembles the stuff exactly which i use to delete from Winsxs).

Full: This version is for Folks who are interested in Complete Windows 10 Features where Windows can be updated and Windows 10 Universal Apps can be installed from Windows Store along with few tweaks here and there.

Slim: This version is for Folks who are interested in Complete Windows 10 Desktop Environment Features where windows can not be updated, no Windows Store & no Windows 10 Universal Apps.

Extreme: This version is for Folks who are interested in Stable yet heavily stripped down Windows 10 Desktop Environment.

Barebone: This version is for Folks who are enthusiasts & interested in Experimental Windows 10 Desktop Environment.

Barebone Dot Net Framework 4.0 Only: This version is for folks who doesn't use Software based on Dot Net Framework 2.0, 3.0 & 3.5.

Micro 10 Slim Winreducer Config:

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Micro 10 Extreme Stock Dot Net Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 Winreducer Config:

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Micro 10 Barebone Stripped Down Dot Net Framework 4.0 Only Winreducer Config:

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Procedure or Instructions to delete the left over files:

1.Program Files:

a. C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared delete everything

b. C:\Program Files\Common Files\System delete en-US

c. C:\Program Files\WindowsApps just keep Deleted folder other than that everything can be deleted.

2.Program Files (x86):

a. C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared delete everything

b. C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System delete en-US

c. C:\Program Files (x86) delete Windows NT folder which is not required, as we use 64 bit wordpad present in Program Files.


a. C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Storage Health delete  storagehealthmodel.dat

b. C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures delete user.bmp & guest.bmp

c. C:\New folder\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSScan delete the image WelcomeScan.jpg

d. C:\New folder\ProgramData\Microsoft delete folder Windows Security Health


a. C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs delete irrelevant application shortcuts from being displayed in start menu


a. Assembly Folder, if you want stock Assembly Dot Net Framework and don't want to experiment with various applications support then don't touch this folder.

If you are willing to strip down Assembly and used Barebone config, then you have 2 scenarios just Dot Net Framework 4.0 or Dot Net Framework 2.0 3.0 3.5 & 4.0

1. Just Dot Net Framework 4.0 then assembly folder will be deleted by Winreducer EX-100, so you have to place back Assembly folder with empty GAC_32, GAC_64 but you have to place 3 important folders in GAC_MSIL with Microsoft.ManagementConsole, MMCEx & MMCFxCommon ( Do this step If you want TaskScheduler, Event viewer, Windows Defender Firewall for these apps mmc is required)

2. With Integarted 2.0, 3.0 3.5 & 4.0 Assembly folder should contain following folders check out the Pic which i will attach as i cant write all folder names which will be around 60 to 70 folders.

b. In Winreducer Micro 10 Config under fonts section boot fonts is set to false, so under \Windows\Boot\Fonts you need to delete all fonts except for segoe_slboot.ttf & segoen_slboot.ttf which is required for booting white dotted animation, if you don't want those white dots under Blue Windows 10 Logo or icon while booting then set boot fonts to true in the config, which will remove all fonts.

Remove EFI folder if you dont want EFI support, there are 2 folders one in the root of Boot Folder and second one inside DVD folder.

Misc can be deleted its used for boot spaces only.

Inside PCAT folder delete qps-ploc qps-plocm

Finally delete BootDebuggerFiles.ini file

c.  In Globalization under ICU folder delete icudtl.dat ( But remember one thing if you use Administrator AutoUnattended then you can delete this file, but if you use no unatteded.xml or if you want to name your PC then don't delete otherwise oobe will be broken)

In Globalization under Sorting you can delete everything except SortDefault.nls

d. Microsoft.Net i will upload a pic

e. In servicing Folder under Editions delete all files except for your edition file (For Example if you use Professional edition keep ProfessionalEdition.xml), EditionMappings.xml, EditionMatrix.xml and WimBootconfig.ini

In servicing folder under FODMetadata you can delete everything

In servicing folder under InboxFODMetadatacache you can delete everything.

f. In shellComponents folder delete WindowsInternal.ComposableShell.Experiences.DragDrop

g. In SystemApps delete everything except Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy (if you dont use Windows Search feature you can delete this folder), Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy ( if deleted start menu doesnt work) ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy ( if deleted system tray doesnt work), Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy (again if you use Autounattended xml with Administrator as the user then you can delete this folder. If you want to specify user name or computer name then don't delete this folder otherwise oobe will be broken). Optional if you want to use Microsoft Online Account then dont delete Microsoft.AccountsControl_cw5n1h2txyewy

h. I will post pic for SystemResources

i. In Web folder if you don't use lock screen then delete Screen Folder

j.  In WinSxS folder For Example we have 2 same featured folders in the build Windows 10 19041.572 &  where we only need the latest Servicing stack update version. So we can delete the following old folders

here GDIPLUS 1.0 can be deleted, we only need GDIPLUS 1.1 with latest Service stack update

amd64_microsoft-windows-com-dtc-runtime_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_cf441068ff6081fd can be deleted as well.

the same goes with x86 as well we can delete following folders

6. System32:

a. In boot folder delete winload.efi & winresume.efi and also from en-US winload.efi.mui & winresume.efi.mui if you dont want EFI Support.

a. In en folder delete AppVStreamingUX.resources

b.we can delete ff-Adlm-SN folder

c. In Keywords folder we can delete all files

d. In Migration folder delete everything except WininetPlugin.dll & en-US folder

e. we can delete my-mm folder

f. we can delete osa-Osge-001 folder

g. we can delete ta-lk folder

h. delete sru folder

i. In wbem folder inside repository folder we can delete INDEX.BTR & OBJECTS.DATA

j. In WinMetaData Folder again if we use Autounattended xml with Administrator as the user then we can delete all files inside the folder.

but If we want to specify user name or computer name then we can only delete these files otherwise oobe will be broken









k. Search in System32 folder with keyword *.efi and then delete 3 files SecConfig.efi, winload.efi & winresume.efi if you don't want EFI Support


a. In Drivers folder delete gm.dls & gmreadme.txt

b. In Keywords folder delete all contents

c. In Migration folder delete everything except WininetPlugin.dll & en-US folder

d. delete sru folder

e. In WinMetaData Folder delete all files inside the folder.

Pics Link:

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With the above stuff removed you can achieve an installation size as following

Slim Version with Stock Dot Net Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 installation size consumes around 6.27 GB

Slim Version with Stock Dot Net Framework 4.0 installation size consumes around 5.50 GB

Extreme Version with Stock Dot Net Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 installation size consumes around 3.40 GB

Extreme Version with Stock Dot Net Framework 4.0 installation size consumes around 3.05 GB

Barebone version with Stripped down Dot Net Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 installation size consumes around 2.81 GB (Config not Available)

Barebone Dot Net Framework 4.0 Only version with Stripped down Dot Net Framework 4.0 installation size consumes around 2.66 GB

Now if you want to strip down further by deleting System Dll's from System32 & SySWOW64:

If you want to strip down further be careful these Dll's will break some or other software, Anyways for Enthusiast like me here is the download link for System32 & SySWoW64 Dll's which can be removed or deleted, with this you can bring down installation size to 2.26 GB

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Software's working smoothly without any Assembly & Dot Net Framework errors on Stripped Down Dot Net Framework 4.0 are:

1. Adobe Pdf Reader

2. Microsoft Office 2019 Pro

3. Itunes

4. Geekbench

5. Microsoft Edge

6. Chrome

7. Open shell start menu

8. Psiphon VPN

9. VLC media player

10. Virtual Box

11. Vmware Player

12. Winrar

13. Telegram

14. Win Toolkit

15. NTLite

16. WinReducer

17. Utorrent

18. Internet Download Manager

19. TaskBar X (for Aero Glass feature on taskbar)

20. Firefox

21. Opera

22. Python

23. DropBox

24. Adobe Photoshop

25. Zoom

26. WhatsApp Desktop App

27. Samsung Magician

28. Crystal DiskMark

29. Avast Antivirus

30. Canon Printer Scanner Application's work

31. ADB driver works, can access Android Phones


descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10


descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

all done guys, well it took a lot of time to write and take screenshots and post them. i don't know whether people have the patience to go through the guide and create their own Micro 10. Anyways as requested i am sharing my skillset and hardwork which i have done for years with you folks.


descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

Hello mackyreddy Smile

I liked all your posts in your discussion ... thank you so much for your sharings !

You are exactly in the purpose of the Forum, sharing your discoveries ... this will help the project in the long term ... and you know that I'm working on renewing it with a lot of new options and possibilities ! So, this sharing opens many perspectives and provide me a lot of ideas for the future.

This is a little bit technical, but in the forum, there are resources for every kind of users : beginners to expert ... so this discussion will be used by many users, even if they do not say hello or thanks ... but in the name of all users, I would like to send you a very big :


descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

Hi mackyreddy

Thank You very much ? You gave me some hints

So I removed  c:\Windows\SystemApps completedly from my running System
and everything seems ok
The big problem is to remove
in C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\

I deleted those  by booting in a second Windows O.S
I Used every trick  to delete them from the running Windows with no results
SystemApps Directory with all the dorectories inside is completedly removed and everything seems OK up to now

Do You or Winterstorm have any idea to delete them the normal way as this is cheating


descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

mackyreddy wrote:
Now if you want to strip down further by deleting System Dll's from System32 & SySWOW64:

If you want to strip down further be careful these Dll's will break some or other software, Anyways for Enthusiast like me here is the download link for System32 & SySWoW64 Dll's which can be removed or deleted, with this you can bring down installation size to 2.20 GB

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--- Detail Info ---
FileName : For Creating DLL Removed Versions.rar
File size : 202 MiB (211.681.682 bytes)
SHA1 : BD69B925D81F5111884FC6496FB906C49BC6E45F
--- Expand/Extracted ---
32 V3 For Benchmark Deletion : ± 735 File(s), 252 MB (265.284.750 bytes)
64 V3 For Benchmark Deletion : ± 885 File(s), 326 MB (342.463.538 bytes)
Total Files Listed : ± 1.620 File(s), 2 Folder(s), 579 MB (607.748.288 bytes)
--- Here the Full List ( Without wasting your internet bandwith Wink )
* For Creating DLL Removed Versions.dir.list.log : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
* For Creating DLL Removed Versions.tree.list.log : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

 hope that help and stay safe.
 pS : Creative Learning by Doing, Slowly but Do iT Cool's

descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

Wanted to say thanks.  Your config made this build the fastest setup I've done in winreducer, and taught me a lot

descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

This is amazing, thank you very much for you hard work.

descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

I used the extreme without expert optimizations checked.  Enabled Windows Features, and FONDU.  Disabled expert WINSXS cleanup(not backups), and few other things I didn't want in the system.  I use it for gaming, haven't had any issues.  Thanks again.  The different options are a great addition!

descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

Links to the presets are dead. Can someone who has these presets, reupload them ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

ceo54 wrote:
Links to the presets are dead. Can someone who has these presets, reupload them ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

check this post [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

descriptionGuide to Create a Micro 10 EmptyRe: Guide to Create a Micro 10

mackyreddy wrote:
ceo54 wrote:
Links to the presets are dead. Can someone who has these presets, reupload them ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

check this post [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

thanks i need them too
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