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descriptionProblem with AMD computer EmptyProblem with AMD computer

Have been using various versions of EX-100 for a number of years.

Now using  WinReducer EX100_x64_2.3.8.0

Have an extraction preset that works fine on Intel computers (775,1150) on LTSB Windows 10 versions
from the earliest one to the latest. Always worked.

Have tried this preset on various AMD computers (FM2+, AM4)with many versions of EX-100 on same Windows 10 ISO's.Never worked!

Extraction hangs after about 40-50 extraction tasks. Never complete.

Comments will be appreciated.

descriptionProblem with AMD computer EmptyRe: Problem with AMD computer

Hi fyrekrig

Did You delete in  Drivers : Processor AMD ?
If not then there is mayby a problem with  Winreducer,
ask  Winterstorm


descriptionProblem with AMD computer EmptyRe: Problem with AMD computer

No CPU drivers are deleted in the preset.
Should not make any difference anyway, would only result in a not booting ISO on an AMD computer.

descriptionProblem with AMD computer EmptyRe: Problem with AMD computer

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descriptionProblem with AMD computer EmptyRe: Problem with AMD computer

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Its not a problem with booting an AMD computer.
The problem is extracting items using Winreducer from a Windows ISO using an AMD computer
Like I said the extraction starts, then hangs and never finishes
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