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descriptionInstallation setup font colors EmptyInstallation setup font colors


I changed the background of the setup screen and setup screen windows. The background it includes is dark and the letters of the setups are a little difficult to read! ... there is an option on the Winreducer where can I change the font color of the ISO installation setups? ... I observed the Modern UI option, but I don't know if this option will change the source of the setups or the entire system !?

Winreducer EX-100 v2.3.5.0
ISO 19H1 build 183262.900

thank you

descriptionInstallation setup font colors EmptyRe: Installation setup font colors

Hi Clamarc

onto [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] You will find

Classic Color Paned 
System Bold Font
Windows 10 system font settings
Easy Dark Mode
Easy Invert
Advanced System Font Changer
System Font Size Changer

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