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description[EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles Empty[EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles


After install 19041.1 and update to .264 via .msu or windows update all control panel items went back.

Some services also back or got error in "description" in services console.

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run again after update so it should be off Wink


description[EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles EmptyRe: [EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles

Hi deVilbaT
Use an official download from Microsoft servers and You will have no problems

description[EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles EmptyRe: [EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles


I download official Win10_2004_English_x64.iso (current .264 - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] load home edition and use my WCCF from first post. Install Windows then update to .331 and all classic control panel items went back.

icy007 could you check it - remove only control panel items from my WCCF?

description[EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles EmptyRe: [EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles

Hi deVilbaT

The  Control Panels Items below should not be removed, they are an essential part of Windows

Control Panels
Control Panel - Device Center
Control Panel - Device Center (Files)
Control Panel - Device Manager (Files)
Control Panel - Display (Files)
Control Panel - Font Folder
Control Panel - Font Folder (Files)
Control Panel - Internet Options
Control Panel - Internet Options (Files)
Control Panel - Keyboard
Control Panel - Language Settings
Control Panel - Language Settings (Files)
Control Panel - Mouse
Control Panel - Power Options
Control Panel - Power Options (Files)
Control Panel - Programs and Features
Control Panel - Programs and Features (Files)
Control Panel - Region and Language
Control Panel - Region and Language (Files)
Control Panel - Secure Startup
Control Panel - Sound
Control Panel - Sound (Files)
Control Panel - System
Control Panel - System (Files)
Control Panel - Taskbar and Start Menu (Files)

-- Control Panel Windows Defender Can be removed if  Windows Defender is replaced by anoter antivirus,
I use Malwarebytes Pro

-- Control Panel Windows Firewall, I removed this and replaced it with Tinywall


description[EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles EmptyRe: [EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles

I agree with you, but this is not the problem.

I will give exactly what to do:
1. Get official Win10_2004_English_x64.iso (current .264 - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
2. Run latest WinReducerEX100 and select Home Edition from downloaded iso.
3. Get my wccf ( Load it.
4. Leave only Control Panel items.
5. Cut Windows!
6. Install it on Virtual Machine and go to classic Control Panel. You can see now all selected items from my WCCF was removed.
7. Install latest Windows update from Update or .MSU file.
8. Restart Windows and go to Classic Control Panel.

As you can see, the objects returned after installing the update. And that's the problem. This did not happen with earlier versions of Windows, e.g. 17763.

description[EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles EmptyRe: [EX-100 v2.3.7.0][20H1 Build 19041.1] Troubles

Hi deVilbaT

It is impossible to remove everything, that is what i saw in your wccf
I never use a  Virtual Machine, my isos are always tested in real time onto a separate Bootit partition
What You see when using the Virtual Machine  may not be the realty,
it is not possible to remove all those items ,your iso will not boot ,
that all objects are back after updating  may simple be due to a quirk in the the Virtual mode 

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