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descriptionNewbie Question about post install part EmptyNewbie Question about post install part

Hello guys, i'm newbie on ISO customization ect. so i'm trying to get all the knowledge i can before starting doing a serious custom iso.

Basically i wanted to integrate some programs and silent setups into my iso, and i remember that on some custom windows 7 isos i tried some years ago there was this tool called WPIW-windows post install wizard, which pops out during the setup/installation of windows and lets you choose some programs from a list made from the creator of the iso and install these choosen programs during the setup, silently or not.
So i tried to search for it and unfortunatley the project is dead now and apparently doesn't even support Win10.
So looking up on the internet i found out WinReducer, and noticed the Post install.

But as i said i literally don't know anything about this stuff so my question is can i integrate setups through the post instal lsection of winreducer ?
What are OEM and OOBE and how do they work ?
What should i put in the OEM folder ? And what in the OOBE section ?

Thank you for your patience to whoever that reads this and answers me Very Happy
And a big thank you to winterstorm and whoever else is involved with the development of WinReducer.

descriptionNewbie Question about post install part EmptyRe: Newbie Question about post install part

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descriptionNewbie Question about post install part EmptyRe: Newbie Question about post install part

I have more or less the same kind of question.
I made my modified iso (WIN 10 HOME 64) with winreducer, then I made with SIB my EXE containing VLC, CHROME and WINRAR (tested on a vitual machine it works perfectly), I tried to integrate my exe to make a post install using winreducer but at the end of win installation I have to accept the UACand then a  couple of black screens appear (cmd) and the installation doesn't start. For sure I'm doing something wrong but what? I used OOBE and the iso contains the WinReducerEX100PI folder with my exe inside.
Can you please help me?
Thanks to all of you

descriptionNewbie Question about post install part EmptyRe: Newbie Question about post install part

Hello guys Smile

@ITA Gianluk : welcome in the WinReducer Software Forum ! This is an excellent question which should interest a lot of other users Smile
The "Post Install" have 2 different options which totally depends on your skills level :
- OOBE : this is the most simple tool to use, just hit the "Add File" or "Add Folder" and everything will be done for you : it will automatically create and configure your ISO to launch the software you chosen
- OEM folder : this is a more complicated tool, because you have to create by yourself the entire structure of the OEM folder, WinReducer will only handle the copy inside the ISO (I will propose in the future something more simple to create the OEM folder)

In my point of view, you should begin with the WinReducer Post Install "OOBE" tool, which is really simple to use ... and to be honest I'm using it for myself Wink

Let us know if you need more help Smile


@Gianpyc : Could you please tell me which Windows 10 version are you using (19H2 or 20H1) ... have you tried without the elevated rights, to remove it, just remove these 2 lines in the "WinReducerEX100PI.cmd" :


>nul 2>&1 fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% || echo CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^).ShellExecute "%~0", "ELEVATED", "", "runas", 1 > "%temp%\uac.vbs" && "%temp%\uac.vbs" && exit /b
DEL /F /Q "%temp%\uac.vbs"

Could you please let me know, thanks.

descriptionNewbie Question about post install part EmptyRe: Newbie Question about post install part

Hi Guys
I never integrate programs into my isos, I only integrate  windows updates.
Some programs updates every few weeks, so why integrate them
If you install them normally  You allso  get an error message if something goes wrong
and most of the time You can install your programs  in the directory you chose
How about  error messages  when your program  gets integrated and
how to change the  directories  when integrating.
Why make  it  difficullt when installing a program can be easy


descriptionNewbie Question about post install part EmptyRe: Newbie Question about post install part

Thank you so much Winterstorm2050, I will try in this way, I'm using 20H1. Let's see
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