Hi windowsserver
Server for 2 main reasons.
One, to also support non-normal hardware.
What is Your " non-normal hardware."
Windosw 10 supports exactly the same hardware as a window server,
Support for " non-normal hardware." is done by drivers delivered by the hardware producer
Most modern drivers can be updated by Iobiy Driverbooster
Two, "audio video and internet (only) with cable" ...
Windows 10 has not a single problem playing & downloading video & audio ftrom the internet
And if you want to get rid from a lot of windows garbage, then You should use Windows 10 N, Home
That is what i use ,together with vcl als video player,
for audio AIMP player, plays internet audio & a lot of ausio extendions
But That is my experience & opinion ,the choice is Yours
So really removing everything, but leaving only the "O.S." part.