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descriptionWlan Profile EmptyWlan Profile

Hello i have Export my wlan profiles xml, and insert the file in Winreducer.... when i install windows 10 created from winreducer the wlan is not configured to auto join my wlan .... how do i get this to work corect ?

descriptionWlan Profile EmptyRe: Wlan Profile

I got similar problems and I suspect this is due for the lack of password in the profile. The connection is found, but you have to click and enter the key in order to establish the connection. Once done it will always autoconnect.
Try to export your profile with the following command: 
netsh wlan export profile name="Your_SSID" folder="C:\Users\your_user_name\Documents\winreducerex100_x64\" key=clear
The expected behaviour is that should autoconnect without forcing you to enter the key.
I didn't tested this yet in a real machine since I am working with hyper-machine where wifi is not emulated.
Let me know if it worked!
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