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descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

to test my theory that one of the tweaks under Remover was causing the start menu to break, i enabled everything but the tweaks and left them alone, created the iso, ran the setup in a virtual machine and the start menu was fine, so does anyone know which "tweak" under "Remover" is causing it to break?? everything else works fine btw, only a broken start menu

descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

I used to get that lot. I don't recall how it was fixed, but start menu is part of the modern UI now. Make sure components like "Immersive something" "App Connector" ""Content Delivery Manager" "Desktop App Installer" stay put.

descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

i go thru like 10 iso's a day trying to get it just right, and it never ends up right, thanks for the key words, will try

descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

Hi PolisP
Do not remove

in  Modern UI Apps
File Explorer
Framework (.NET Native) 
Framework (Visual C++ Runtime) 
Immersive Control Panel
in  Privacy 
Background Apps - Let apps run in the background
File System - Allow access to the file system for this device
File System - Allow apps to access your file system
Tasks - Allow access to the tasks for this device
Tasks - Let apps access to my tasks
in  Setting
Apps - Apps and features 
System - Multitasking 


descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

I FIGURED IT OUT, DO NOT TOUCH THE AppReadiness service it will break the start menu

descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

hi PolisP
Long ago I  left the AppReadiness service  out of my isos
So ???
I think it is not the culprit

descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

Im telling you, i am creating a optimized windows 10 iso, meaning i disable and remove AS MUCH stuff as possible and i left every single service on either Disabled, Manual, Automatic, or Remove, and left the AppReadiness blank and i tested the other way around, i left all the others blank and i set AppReadiness to Remove, and start didnt work, i tried setting it to Disabled, didnt work, I even tried Manual or Automatic and it still doesnt work, the only way it works is leaving it blank.
Keep in mind, i am using Windows 10 v1809 (you said long ago, so im assuming you used another version other than 1809), so maybe this version has some more dependencies towards AppReadiness, also, if i disable or "sc delete" Appreadiness AFTER installing the iso, not in Winreducer, start menu still works

descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

Hi PolisP
I just controlled my iso,App Readiness is removed, no problems
I have been using LTSB (2015) ,LTSC ( 2016,2019) ;1703,1709,1803,1809,1903,1909
Cleaning the WinSXS DISM is not  a good idea
Make bleuprints from what works & what not.
I hope You find out why, i just can give some advice


descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

dude, the problem is fixed, my start menu works now, maybe the combination of cleaning the winsxs folder and changing the value of AppReadiness caused the problem, but id rather keep the "clean winsxs" ON so everthings all good, thanks

descriptionStart Menu always broken (does nothing on click) EmptyRe: Start Menu always broken (does nothing on click)

Cleaning the WinSXS is not a good idea, i never do, but as it works OK
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