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descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyHelp: Can't start WinReducer

i want to install and run winreducer ex100 v2.2.8.0 at windows10.
Therefor i downloaded it, unzip and run as administrator.
After klick "Download" it comes the message:"Diese APP kann auf dem PC nicht ausgeführt werden".
I tested with different win10 versions.
To disable firewall, defender, virusscan helping not. 
I read die helptopics and control HDD space, etc.
I find nothing.
Need winreducer some .net version?
What's the requirements for winreducer?

Regards R.Thomas

descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

Hi hbthomas

You have a virus , yoy must backup what is needed , delete all partitions ,clean the whole disk, make partitions, format them
and install everything.
i use booit to partition and format
to delete and clean i use  Diskmanager Paragon


descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

Hello guys,

This is absolutely not a virus ... this is an EX-100 known bug from certain circumstances I'm not able to reproduce yet.

This happens during the first installation : hbthomas, could you please confirm that the case during the first WinReducer Installation ?

I wish you to have a great day !

descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer


Mayby i am wrong and You,Winterstorm are wright.

To be sure there is no virus in a windows system, You can stall Tinywall.
Windows Defender must be installed,no other firewalls
If Tiniwall does not install and You have an errormessage,You can be sure to have a virus
If Tinywall  does not bootup when starting the computer ,idem ,you  have a virus
if Show Connections in Tinywall  does not work and give an errormessage ,idem ,you  have a virus
That is my experience.
By the way Tinywall is the best Windows Defender addon ever,it can block all telemetry included Windows telemetry


descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

This time, I really think you are wrong Smile

descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer


i've tried to run winreducer today.
There are no viruses, because i testet on a new vms with a clean win10. I've testet with Win 10 Build 10240 (!) and 1803 Build 1714.984.
Winreducer starts and show this messages:
Help: Can't start WinReducer Dv-20111

What happend after the klick on the download button?
What process will be blocked? 
Then i downloaded the software winreducer needs and put it to "winreducerex100_x64\HOME\SOFTWARE". 
Same message.

Regards R.Thomas

descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

Hi hbthomas

I had the same message  in english
When i copied the software from an earlier winreducer setup, then Winreducer worked
I also saw that Connections in Tinywall  gave an error message and did not work
After many tries i 
bootup the Diskmanager Paragon Cd and
deleted all the partitions
cleaned the raw SSD
Stopped Paragon Diskmanager
Booted mu Bootit CD up and made a Bootit partition  (only 700 MB)
Rebooted the computer onto the SSD
In Bootit made 2 partitions (35GB) for 2 OS and a partition (177GB) accessible by both OS
Installed  the 2 O.S
Installed Winreducer,softwere & Updates, winreducer working normally, no errors,
made an iso, no errors ,installed again a winreducer ets , no errors
Installed Tinywall ,  Connections in Tinywall  working.
I think there are viruses that can not be detected and removed by antivirussoftware.
A lot of CIA code has been leaked by Wikileaks which could be used by some brillant softwaredeveloper 
to create undetectable viruses.
In my case a part of the partition was unvisable and undetectable.
i saw it because i deleted 1 of  the partition, cleaned the raw partion and formatted it
on reboot when i went into Bootit there was  free space between the two partitions.
So  that is why i think there must have been a virus, that is why i deleted everything and installed all again,
it wa 4 monts ago


descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

Hello hbthomas,

I apologize for the inconvenient.

Could you please download this OneDrive ZIP File (provided joined this email), which contains all necessary files for your WinReducer Software :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


* Please follow these instructions (only for registered user) :

1 - choose the correct version you need to use : x86 or x64
2 - Start the WinReducer Software
3 - Enter your registration information
4 - Click on "OPTIONS" icon
5 - Click on "UPDATE" icon
6 - Finally, click on "DOWNLOAD" to update your WinReducer Software in order to get the latest version


* If you are not a registered user, please follow these instructions :

1 - choose the correct version you need to use : x86 or x64
2 - Go to the ".\HOME\SOFTWARE" from the zip extracted folder
3 - Copy the folders : "x86" (or "x64) and "Sources"
4 - Paste the 2 folders in your EX-100 ".\HOME\SOFTWARE" folder (the one you mentioned not working) ... and replace all files.
5 - Start EX-100


Please let me know how it will work for you.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

Hello winterstorm2050,

you're the best.
After unzipping it work's after the first klick! Great!!!
Now i can play with it and look what i can do with it to make a customized Win10.
Thank you.

Regards R. Thomas

descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

I am happy that your Winreducer works
I have told  in my last  reply that copying  the source directory from an  earlier working  winreducer would make Winreducer work.
That is what You did , it works.
The  errormessage  when trying to download the software is gone , Winreducer is working, but the problem is not gone.
For me it is  kind of virus  and i suspect it reacts onto SetACL that sets permissions for registry and files, .
And if it is really a bootvirus , what I suspect, it will not only  interact with windows , but also with other programs. 
It may be possible that a trigger is put into the produced  iso, that wen installed this trigger on bootup will launch 
the hidden virus  to start.
But who  am I to tell all this [CENSORED]


descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

How to download winreducer ex100 v2.2.8.0? Why not open the page: ""

descriptionHelp: Can't start WinReducer EmptyRe: Help: Can't start WinReducer

Hi To All
I can say that in my case it was a virus
i had this message in English
as with Bootit i can boot 2 partitions,so i deleted one partition when booted in Windows,set all bytes to 00 
and recreated  and formatted  that deleted partition
When i rebooted into Bootit the pertition was 1 GB smaller and there was a 1GB gap after the partition
The same for the second partition,1GB gap
I started Bootice after reformatting the partitions and restoring the OS and saw
that the partition on the first sector of the SSD was zeroed out, the bootpartition 
of Bootit started at sector 2
So i started my Bootit CD,deleted the Bootit partition,zerod all out,formatted and
restored Bootit.
After booting,i opened Bootice and the Bootit partition started now at the first sector 
i got interrupted internet connections  on a regular basis, these are gone now
DriverBooster i use to update my drivers is working again
The errormessage in Winreducer is gone
Making Winreducer isos goes more quickly 
The computer starts and stops much quicker as a few days ago
So if anyone has some anomalies, well use Bootice,You may have 
a virus that is undetected by virusscanners

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