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descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset

Hi, I have build a Win10_1809_English_x64.iso HOME with Winreducer EX-100 v2.2.2.0.

I based the iso on LAPTOP preset and the tweaked to taste :
- Added MIDI Support
- Added Pen & Touch support
- Added Powershell BUT it do not work, I can click on powershell in the start menu, but it does not start, same thing with the powershell IDE.
I did this to add powershell:
- Features "Windows Powershell" set it to a blank space

Am I missing something to use Powershell ? Is there any dependency to make it work ? Some things I need to activate in winreducer to make it work ?

By the way I found a bug on the Laptop Preset, I corrected by doing this :
- Remover > Control Panel > "Control Panel - Device Manager" OFF
This fixed the fact that when you right click on the start (Win+X) button and choose "Device manager" nothing happened.

Thank you for you hard work and your wonderful program !

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

hi Vigan Smile

Try this:
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Kind regards,

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

Thank you very much.
I have read your post, you did a great job, your windows is like really a clean fully functional windows, It must have taken ages to polish. I will definitely use it if I want an unbloated vanilla windows, thanks.

Are you suggesting me to start from your wccf and the remove what I don't need ?

Because it's not really what I am after, as I use my Windows only for :
- DAW (need midi support)
- CAD software / 3D Sculpting (need pen support)
- Light "bad" Coding (I need Powershell for testing some scripts)

For an audio DAW I need a very light fast stripped down windows to get the lowest DPC latency (so the lowest apps/programs/services running in the background)

The only game I play occasionally is FIFA if it works on the winreducer iso it's good.
(seems Fifa 20 will need DX12 so I upgraded to Win10)

The idea is to have a windows10 XP like Wink
Thank you again for your help.

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

hi Vigan,
Sorry for delayed reply.

Windows 10 is far superior to XP, but the logic of removing works till a certain point, where things start to fail, error and break,
 , this introduce lags and delays, instead of a faster system, unlike your initial intent for it to be, because the core code is waiting ,
 , for a DLL or an EXE that is no longer there..

My advice to you is:
1. Use my WCCF (with over 550 items removed safely, that's a good starting point)
2. Remove the additional items listed in the tutorial at section >> " #4  Additional items - that you can safely remove "
3. Remove these 2 services as well:
 Services - BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
 Services - DevQuery Background Discovery Broker Service

You'll enjoy a lot faster system, even if your PC is rather slow.
But again, if you strip down everything, you also introduce lags and errors, unless you know how to rewrite Windows 10 internal code from scratch Smile

Also, if you need a system with no network connection whatsoever, and no MS store, I can guide you how to achieve that.

Good luck and feel free to ask anything on your mind,
Best regards,

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

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I dont't know if the information in this link is current.It mentions:

"Remover - Accessories - Help (HTML)
;Breaks PowerShell environment ; Right-click > Edit - Winodws PowerShell Editor opens > enter any text > save > Editor Crashes!"

Maybe this could be part of your problem with PowerShell.

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

isnt that this bug which was solved?

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descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

Thanks KrX for pointing that out.I had no idea that it has been fixed.

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

KrX wrote:
isnt that this bug which was solved?

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Which EX-100 version has it been fixed on ? still had that issue unsolved.

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

Hi to all,

the powershell closing problem has been fixed since All from the 16. September 2019. But this here seems to be a more profound problem.

Best regards,

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

Hi guys thanks for the help.
I did another build with V2.2.3.0 but it's still the same. So it's not a version problem.

Remember that it is based on the LAPTOP PRESET by Winterstorm.
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Right now I will try messing with the FINISH options, I will try another build without activating the Net Framework Cleanup options.

If everything fails I will see what I Can do with the neo (thanks) Preset.
Thank you very much all.

- Also do you know the bug when All text disappear from windows, It seems like a very widespread bug (even from vanilla installs). I encountered this once and now it's fine, here is what it looks like :
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From my experience it seems related to how windows boot/load "process".

UPDATE !! It works now !
- I removed all the Optimization options and Powershell now start !
It seems it has some net Framework dependencies, or maybe it's the WinSXS cleaning that is causing the problem. I will pinpoint to what Optimisation option is causing the problem. It was Thanks to neo preset that I got the idea to disable the optimisation option (under the FINISH tab). I will be back.

UPDATE 2 !! It was net framework optimizations !
- EXPERT - "Net Framework" light cleanup & Expert "Net Framework" Complete Cleanup, disabled now powershell can start ! You can keep ON the "WINDOWS" and "WINDOWS WinSXS 1" powershell will work.

Dear winterstorm can you add a note in the program that say "will/may break Powershell functionality". I hope that it will be a useful contribution to winreducer !
Merci beaucoup pour ce programme Wink

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

hi Vigan Smile
Gald the WCCF helped Smile 

For the time being, until your notes will be added to the Expert-Cleanup section,
I've listed them on this post :
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Best regards Smile

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

vigan1 wrote:

UPDATE 2 !! It was net framework optimizations !
- EXPERT - "Net Framework" light cleanup & Expert "Net Framework" Complete Cleanup, disabled now powershell can start ! You can keep ON the "WINDOWS" and "WINDOWS WinSXS 1" powershell will work.

good that it works now Wink

did you try only to remove "Net Framework light cleanup" ?

since "Net Framework" Complete Cleanup is removeing all netFramework files

descriptionAdding Powershell to Laptop Preset EmptyRe: Adding Powershell to Laptop Preset

Thank you again guys for the help.

I will build another version tonight, with just the Light cleanup enabled, and install it tomorrow morning (I don't use virtualbox, I install on a real PC), and report back, no problem Cool 

The fact is that it does not only break the Powershell editor, it also break the Powershell CMD. I did not know that powershell cmd prompt would even rely on net framework ...

It's the COMPLETE CLEANUP that is causing Powershell to break.
With only the LIGHT cleanup Powershell run, the powershell editor run, and running .ps1 in explorer (by double clicking) works fine. Again thank you for your help Surprised
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