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descriptionWinreducer-ex100 sliders for turning things on and off, very confusing  EmptyWinreducer-ex100 sliders for turning things on and off, very confusing

Hello anyone and everyone, basically I have the biggest pleb forum post ever haha. I find the sliders (with a red indicator or green, you know the ones) super confusing. As in some tabs, you flick them to, from memory, on (?) from off. In some cases this DISABLES a feature, but in other cases, what does it do?

Some options have "(Disable)" or "(Hide)" to clearly indicate what flicking the slider will do, yet in other tabs there is no such specific information. I am quite adept at both live and pre stripping, but this one little confusing aspect has put me in a bit of strife. It's been more times than I'd care to say that I have messed up what im removing or keeping purely because this scheme is very confusing. I'd really appreciate some help, I know what I want to remove (making a super light ISO for win10 1709, for gaming mainly, searching for low DPC and input lag) but the trouble is, flicking the switch and then second guessing myself... a lot more than 2 times, so its more like 10th guessing. I'd suggest making a standardized method, because it being so unclear as to what is the intent is very very inconvenient and has cost me, as I'm sure it has many others, quite a bit of time

descriptionWinreducer-ex100 sliders for turning things on and off, very confusing  EmptyRe: Winreducer-ex100 sliders for turning things on and off, very confusing

Hello and welcome Vegem8lol Smile

Thank you very much for your question.

In WinReducer, if you activate a component : it will remove it (if nothing contrary is mentioned) ... so in the "REMOVER" tab, and in the "Accessories" tab ... if you select a component (by putting the checkbox to "ON" status) ...  it will remove this component from your Windows customized ISO.

WinReducer" is an acronym for "WINdows" "REDUCtion" for "(WIndows) usER" Wink

Since v2.2.0.0, you are able to change the Design of the "Remover" tab using 3 options :  "Right Handed", "Left Handed" or "Neutral (Center)" ... but I'm preparing a new additional design ... which will fit perfectly for your needs and also a lot of other users ! This will be available in  v2.2.3.0 Smile

I wish you to have a great day !
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