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descriptionUnkown User Issue EmptyUnkown User Issue

Hi everybody,

I try to set up a recent custom WIN 10 iso

The last time i tested it I used the following wccf:

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Installation works fine, but after finishing installation I end up with an unknown user.
After this I don't know what I can do to enter Windows.
Why is this user generated? I do want to define an individual user during windows setup.

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kind regards

PS: I don't want to integrate a specific User in my custom iso

descriptionUnkown User Issue EmptyRe: Unkown User Issue

Hi Legolas,

Per your description,
Please Uncheck and do Not-Enable these settings:

Priority #1 (likely the root cause):
Tweaks - Modern UI - Apps - Cortana - Disable

Priority #2:
Features -  Internet Explorer 11
Privacy - Account Info - Allow access to the account info for this device

Priority #3 - less likely but can have impact:
Remover - Modern UI Apps - Windows Alarms
Remover - Modern UI Apps - Framework (Xbox LIVE Games)
Privacy - Account Info - Let apps access my name, picture and other account info
Settings - Cortana - More details
Settings - Cortana - Permissions and history

descriptionUnkown User Issue EmptyRe: Unkown User Issue

Hi @neo,

thanks a lot for your help. I tried all of your tips, but nothing helped. I still stuck on this screen:

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My last wccf:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

kind regards Smile

descriptionUnkown User Issue EmptyRe: Unkown User Issue

Hi LegolasZ8

In Unattended  :
In user account put your name ,next to your name select administrator
Below this choose pasword or not
autologin or not
I never choose a pasword  and i login automaticly
when booted you can always logoff and choose another user with password
This may help You .icy

descriptionUnkown User Issue EmptyRe: Unkown User Issue

Hi Legolas Smile,

Please try first icy007's suggestion above.

Also, these 2 services might impact windows logon
Services - Xbox Live Auth Manager Service
Services - Xbox Live Networking Service

My advice though, is to create yourself a working baseline, meaning, un-check everything Or press the "Clear Setttings" on Start tab, and from there, choose a single item / or multiple that seem to have a very low risk, for example removing all unwanted Languages (in Remover - Languages) and continue from there, to have a baseline that works and keep removing items in a trial and error mode.
Also Fyi,
I'm working on a golden WCCF that is compatible with desktops that have only Ethernet, with no wireless support, all wireless components removed along with other stuff on my WCCF, I've achieved a basic and fully functional windows OS with over 700 items removed, however, before I share it with the community, I need winterstorm2050's blessing.  I don't know when will winterstorm2050 be back though. It's been several weeks since I've seen any new post from winterstorm2050.

Also Fyi,
You might find my notes handy, they are posted on requests on this post:
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Best regards,

descriptionUnkown User Issue EmptyRe: Unkown User Issue

Hey guys,

thanks again for your kind support Smile

@icy007: Yes, this works, but initially I didn't want to create a user. Like suggested I have this specific user on every System.

@neo: Thanks for sharing your approach on that, that is the way I try to handle it as well. I just don't find a way to use the "Unattended" tap without typing in something left to "User Account Name". Your Fyi sections are nice to know as well, thanks for sharing Smile

Finally I will disable anything but the unattended stuff, maybe that will work.

kind regards

descriptionUnkown User Issue EmptyRe: Unkown User Issue

I reached my goal now. The best way to it so far:

Unattended -> Hide Cortana Setup: Disable

Thanks a lot to everybody who was helping me Smile
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