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descriptionBitlocker not working / missing dll EmptyBitlocker not working / missing dll

I've created a RS5 iso with Ex-100 v2.1.4.0 and are unable to activate bitlocker after clean installation.

The Bitlocker wizard "BitlockerWizardElev.exe" can't continue because it is missing the "FVESKYBACKUP.dll" in the \windows\system32 folder.
This is no new problem. I've had the same problem with RS4 last year.

My question is: in which component this dll gets removed?

descriptionBitlocker not working / missing dll EmptyRe: Bitlocker not working / missing dll

Hi sirob

TPM Management is  Needed for  bitlocker & Veracrypt see  Accessories > Administrative Tools try it
Bitlocker is no good choice as Microsoft can access it all the time
Better and  safer is Veracrypt and it is free
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