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description[EX-100 - v2.1.4.0] [1809 - 17763.316] Greek Language pack Empty[EX-100 - v2.1.4.0] [1809 - 17763.316] Greek Language pack

Hello friends. Does anyone know how to download the greek language pack; I have found an iso with all the languages but its 5+ Gb and i dont want to download it.

description[EX-100 - v2.1.4.0] [1809 - 17763.316] Greek Language pack EmptyRe: [EX-100 - v2.1.4.0] [1809 - 17763.316] Greek Language pack

Hello victor123 Smile

Have you read this MS article : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Maybe it will help you find a way for you.

And do not hesitate to share your discoveries Smile

Have a great day !

description[EX-100 - v2.1.4.0] [1809 - 17763.316] Greek Language pack EmptyRe: [EX-100 - v2.1.4.0] [1809 - 17763.316] Greek Language pack

Yes i did. Finally i downloaded the iso i said. It has all languages borh x64 and x86 and they work perfect for winreducer intergration. If a friend needs a specific language i can upload it so that he does not download the 5+ gb iso. Winter perhaps you can propose 5-6 most common languages so that i upload them.
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