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descriptionEX-100 - v2.1.2] [RS5 Build 17763 Open with EmptyEX-100 - v2.1.2] [RS5 Build 17763 Open with

The installation made since the last version 2.1.2 no longer allows me to choose a particular application to open a file.

EX-100 - v2.1.2] [RS5 Build 17763 Open with 8f4Unen6xiUoJAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
clicking on "More Apps" has no effect.

Does anyone have any ideas ?
thank you

descriptionEX-100 - v2.1.2] [RS5 Build 17763 Open with EmptyRe: EX-100 - v2.1.2] [RS5 Build 17763 Open with

Hello ElChoclo Smile

It seems to be the same trouble I mentioned for RS3, RS4 ... and RS5 in these threads :
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

To be short : it seems to be a Microsoft bug ... because it's reproducible in a non modified Windows 10 installation Wink

I wish you to have a great day !

descriptionEX-100 - v2.1.2] [RS5 Build 17763 Open with EmptyRe: EX-100 - v2.1.2] [RS5 Build 17763 Open with

Thank you for the information and responsiveness.
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